10. Victoria and the Astronomy Tower

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Victoria wasn't a nosy person. She was just liked knowing what was happening even if it didn't involve her. Okay maybe she was a bit nosy but at least she wasn't a gossip. She was good at keeping secrets. 

'What the hell am I doing?' she thought to herself as she climbed the steps of the astronomy tower quietly. She could hear sniffling and as she reached the top of the stairs, she was met with sight of James Potter sitting on the ledge of the astronomy tower. His legs were dangling off the side as he ran his hands through his hair before rubbing his nose with the sleeve of his sweater. The moonlight shining down on the sullen boy staring at his hands taking deep breathes.

Victoria stepped closer to the boy causing his head to whip around. He quickly wiped his face dry turning back around. He cleared his throat. "What are you doing here Hearts." James said with a cold voice. 

"You looked upset thought you might want some company." Victoria said quietly as she took a seat on the ledge. She left enough space for another two people to sit comfortably between them. James looked at her confused before looking at the empty space beside him sadly. 

"Do you want company?" she asked looking out at the stars. The boy simply nodded in response trying to hold back his tears. The boy sat quietly as a few stray tears streamed down his face. 

"Are you going to say anything?" He asked his voice slightly hoarse as he spoke. 

"Do you want me to?" She asked finally turning to look at the boy. His eyes and nose were red, his cheeks stained with tears. She felt a pang of hurt in her chest as she looked at the boy. His hazel eyes misty and his bottom lip was tucked between his teeth as he chewed on it anxiously. 

"Please." He whispered. Victoria nodded trying to think of a question. 

"What's your favorite color?" She asked giving him a small smile. James chuckled slightly sniffling. 

"That's what you wanna talk about?" He asked smiling slightly turning his body to face the girl. She shrugged in response. 

"Well, I obviously want to know what's got you down but it's a bit rude ask that right out the gate." She said causing the boy to let out a loud laugh shaking his head. 

"Red and a girl." He said giving the girl a tightlipped smile. 

"A girl? Well, she must be special if she's able to get to you like this." Victoria said with a slight smirk before turning back to look at the stars. James shook his head violently. 

"No. More like I'm worried about ending up alone." He said causing the blonde to whip her head around giving him an odd look. 

"Everyone has a soulmate though, and even without the soulmate crap I doubt you James Potter would ever end up alone." She said giving him a convincing look. 

"Honestly, I think Remus, Sirius, and I might share a soulmate. I worry that she won't want me. The only girl I've loved hates me-"

"Only because she's told you multiple times she wasn't interested" Victoria interrupted. 

"Regardless, Evans has said on multiple occasions that Remus was more her type or even Sirius. Not like she's even into guys. Remus is nice and he's smart, considerate, quiet. Sirius is funny and passionate. He's witty, free, exciting. I can't compete with either of them. I'm just a loud, annoying, arrogant toe rag apparently." James said through gritted teeth. She could tell this had been festering and his mind hadn't let it go since. 

"Do you want advice or for me to just listen?" She asked still looking at the stars. She knew if she looked at the boy, she'd be hurt again seeing him so broken. It was ironic being sad for a boy who had done nothing but hurt her for years but for some odd reason she felt a need to be there. 

"Advice." James whispered finding his eyes drawn to the girl again. He couldn't help but find himself admiring the way her blonde waves fell down her back. The way the moonlight made her eyes sparkle, and her cheeks had a slight pink tint due to the wind. She looked like a painting. She turned to look at him giving him an encouraging but sympathetic smile. 

"If you three share a soulmate then it isn't about competing with one another. You three each had a special bond with that person and that bond is different between all of you. You, James Potter, are just as worthy as Sirius and Remus. You are just as smart as Remus and you're definitely passionate." She said giving the boy a smile. "I see the way you're always there for your friends when one of them is down. I see the way you help first years find their way around. The way you defend people so selflessly." She chuckled. He simply frowned in response. 

"I never did any of that for you though. I treated you terribly." He said giving her a sad look before turning away. He couldn't help but feel guilty. 

"Yea, you did. You and Sirius have made my life miserable BUT that's not the point. The point is you don't meet a lot of people who are willing to risk their lives for their friends. You are a great person James even if you are a bit mean sometimes." She chuckled scrunching her nose at the boy. James chuckled in return and couldn't help but find the small action adorable. 

They sat in silence for a while admiring the stars. Thinking to themselves both wondering how they had gotten there. James wondered what would happen now that he had made himself vulnerable to the girl. If in a way maybe they would become friends. Victoria on the other hand knew it would be a onetime thing. James needed someone to talk to and she was simply there at the time. She knew that tomorrow they would go back to ignoring the others existence with the occasional arguments. 

"You never told me your favorite color." James said turning to face the girl. He wasn't that interested in the stars not when he was sitting next to Victoria Hearts.

"You never asked." she responded her attention moving from the sky to the scenic look of the moon light on the rolling hills and trees. James chuckled slightly. 

"Okay, what is your favorite color?" James asked trying to bite back the smile threatening to escape. 

"Green." She said looking out at the trees in front of her. James let out a small sound of disgust as he scrunched up his nose. 

"Like Slytherin?" He spoke. The girl let out a howl of laughter shaking her head. The sound making James smile.

"No. No like the leaves on trees, or the grass. I call it the color of life." She smiled. James suddenly saw the appeal of the color green. Green fields filled with flowers and the forest behind his house. The more he thought about it the more he liked the color green. 

That night they stayed up talking about different colors and their interests. James couldn't help but wonder what had caused Remus and her to stop being friends. 

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