29. Victoria and learning french?

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The word of James and Victoria spread like wildfire after the quidditch game and the relationship between the two seemed to be blooming beautifully. Remus and Victoria had talked about the kiss they shared and finally made things official shortly after the Gryffindor's victory against Slytherin. 

Victoria had assumed after their heated moment in the hospital wing things were official but now that the confusion was out of the way Remus felt more secure about the direction they were heading. Remus was more into keeping their budding romance a secret from the eyes of their classmates though.

Sirius was the only one still not interested in taking things any further as far as Victoria knew. That didn't stop the small sparks she felt when he smiled at her or the way her heart sped up at the stupid nicknames, he gave her though. 

Renee, May and Alex were all helping her work on an album currently. It would be her first technical album which she was excited about, and her dad was allowing her to show off a song or two at the three broomsticks this weekend. She had titled it "Unofficial Confessions of the Heart" it was simply titled that because most of the songs were written before she had made things official with Remus or James.

"So, are you going to the performance this weekend?" Victoria asked as she looked up at James. Her head rested in his lap as he combed his fingers through her hair. He was rested up against the headboard of the bed. 

"Of course." He smiled as he bopped the tip of her nose with his finger causing her to giggle. "Wouldn't miss it for the world." He said excitedly.

The door to the dorm room opened Remus and Sirius both walked in chatting. Remus subconsciously moved toward James's bed as he noticed Victoria sit up. He swiftly bent down giving her a quick peck before walking over to his own bed. 

"Don't you have your own dorm Mon Coeur? (My Heart)" He asked with a smirk. He knew she hated the fact that the little nicknames he gave her were in French. She didn't understand them, and he made sure to stay away from the typical ones in case she had heard them before. He wasn't taking his chances with her finding out about his own budding feelings.

"Yes, I have my own dorm. Just don't see the point in being there when my boyfriends and best friend are here!" She replied with a dramatic huff rolling her eyes. "You should teach me French I wanna know what you're saying!" She said excitedly as she moved towards the edge of the bed.

"Nope" He said popping the 'p' as he started to change. Victoria covered her eyes yelling dramatically.

"OH, MERLIN NO MY POOR EYES!" she cried out. 

"Oh, hush you act like you haven't seen me naked before" Sirius laughed as he threw his shirt at her.

"AGAINST MY WILL YOU HARLOT!" she exclaimed again falling back into James who was laughing. 

"And you guys say I'm dramatic she acts like she's just been crucio!" Sirius said laughing as he looked at Remus. Remus was shaking his head holding back a smile. He was relieved to see them getting along so well.

"Remmy, he won't teach me French?" Victoria whined from across the room. "Can't you convince him to teach me?" She said with a flirty yet innocent smile as she looked at him from across the room. Sirius immediately stepping between their line of sight.

"Nu uh you don't get to pull the Remmy card. He can't save you from this." Sirius said giving Remus and Victoria a playfully stern look. Victoria scowled at him when another idea came to mind a smirk making its way onto her face that made his knees weak. 

"Jamie" Victoria asked sweetly turning around to give him an innocent look. James perked up immediately at the attention. "You know French, don't you?" She asked giving him sweet smile. Sirius groaned loudly thinking James would give in and Remus cracked up laughing. 

"I do my love. Why do you ask?" He said with a smirk. He knew but he enjoyed playing along in the antics and he assumed Sirius forgot about his knowledge of the language. 

"Can you tell me what Siri said?" she shuffled around in front of him. Her body completely faced him as she sat on her knees between his legs. Her hands rest on his thighs as she held her face close to James's almost in a taunting manor as her eyes flicked down to his lips.

 James had a smirk plastered on his lips as he looked behind her to find a very red and nervous looking Sirius and a Remus who looked like he was about to burst out crying in laughter at his best mate's torment. Being the good friend he was he turned back to Victoria placing a long hot kiss on her lips.

"Sorry my love but I can't give up that kind of information." He whispered causing her to jut out her bottom lip in a pout as she gave him an unimpressed look. James was quick to capture her lips again before she pulled away turning back to Sirius. An innocent smile painted her features again in an attempt to convince him.

"No, don't look at me like that. You just tried to seduce my friends into telling my secrets I'm definitely not teaching you French now." Sirius said playfully as he jumped onto his bed.

"Oh, as if you were going to teach me before." She sighed rolling her eyes. "Just think how cool it'd be! We could walk around speaking French to each other and pretty much no one would know what we are saying. It'd be like a secret code!" She said with a giddy expression. 

"Not gonna happen." He laughed in response. He thought the idea was cute, and he liked it, but he liked his secret more. He wasn't ready to give that up and he definitely wasn't ready to compete with James and Remus. If anything, he liked how things were now. No expectations, no pressure, just pure innocent fun. He obviously wanted to kiss her and hold her hand like James or cuddle her and listen to her read like Remus, but he was still the same boy who was terrified of commitment. The same boy who thought he was unworthy of love because his mother made it a point to let him know he was a waste and worthless. 

"Ugh you're no fun." She huffed before leaning back into James.

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