18. Remus and Confrontation.

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Remus Lupin went to the Potters house every year on Christmas Eve. The Potters were known for throwing a large party for Christmas and New Years eve. One thing he didn't expect was the sight of Victoria Hearts helping set up instruments on a small stage in the front of the room though. 

Unfortunately, he didn't get the chance to talk to her as he felt arms pulling him up towards the stairs. 

"Come on Moony we gotta get ready! Did you get the letter from the ministry?" James asked overly excited. The boy was practically bouncing off the walls. 

"Yes, I got my letter from the ministry what about it?" Remus asked slightly irritated. 

"Well, she's supposed to be here tonight!" Sirius said excitedly.

"When did you start caring about our soulmate?" Remus scoffed. He was frustrated. He knew who their soulmate was. He knew his soulmate was Victoria. 

"Of course I care! It's just stressful to think I have to share her. Plus, she's a bloody Ravenclaw what could me and her possibly have in common." Sirius argued as he started to change into his suit. 

"A lot more than you may think." Remus mumbled as he got his clothes together. Sirius and James froze at the boy's words. He knew who their soulmate was. 

"Who is she?" James asked looking directly at the boy. 

"I don't know" Remus said with a shrug. His voice waivered which only confirmed the two suspicious boy's thoughts. 

"You know and aren't telling us!" Sirius exclaimed loudly. 

"I don't know who it is so back off!" Remus scoffed. All of a sudden everything clicked for James. The way Remus wiggled his way back into her life. How persistent he was about earning her forgiveness. The way he fawned over her. Victoria Hearts was their soulmate.

"You have got to be kidding me." He said in a breathless voice as he looked at Remus. His eyes begging for it to not be true. James had screwed up so much and if Victoria was his soulmate well the boy was sure he'd end up alone. "It's Victoria, isn't it?" 

Remus didn't speak but the look on the werewolf's face said enough. That was all James needed to know as he busted out of the room, and down the stairs in search of the blonde. Of course, to his luck she wasn't helping with set up anymore and went to find his mother.  

"Hey, have you seen Victoria?" James asked as he walked toward his mother.

"She's getting ready." She said in a concerned tone. James quickly kissed his mother's cheek before darting back up the stairs. Remus and Sirius stood at his bedroom door bickering between themselves as James busted into Victoria's room. The two boys across the hall following him. 

Victoria sat at her vanity in a blush pink silk slip dress. Her long blonde locks in rollers as she worked on her makeup. The startling noise of James rushing into her room caused her to mess up her eyeliner. The boy couldn't help his wandering eyes as they took in her sitting figure. The silk falling over her curves in a manner that left James choking on his words. He wasn't the only one distracted by the sight.

"You know it's rude to just barge into someone's room let alone a lady's." She said rolling her eyes as she fixed her makeup. Sirius scoffed from the doorway. "Great and you brought the dog with you." 

Sirius scowled at the girl who sent him a sarcastic smile before rolling her eyes again as she started to take out her rollers. Both Remus and Sirius just as distracted as James by the look of her. 

"How long have you known?" James asked making eye contact with the girl through the mirror. 

"Gotta be more specific than that Bambi. I know a lot of things." She said with a wink. James couldn't stop the blush that flooded his cheeks. 

"That we're soulmates." Remus said from beside Sirius. His head down as he picked at the skin around his fingers in an attempted to keep himself from staring. Victoria stopped her movements glancing at each of them for a moment. 

"a little over a week." she said in a whisper. James scoffed in response. 

"And when where you going to tell us?" He asked with an incredulous laugh.

"I wasn't" she replied. 

"So, you were just going to let us go on with our lives without even telling us?" He asked his voice rising in anger.

"Don't you dare play that." She said in a low tone.  Her hair was loose from the curlers and smoothed down. Her makeup fixed from the surprise visit of the boys. She stood with her arms crossed over her chest as she stared at him. "I have every right to not tell you. It's also not my fault if you're too dense to figure it out yourself." She snapped. 

"I mean can you blame me?" She scoffed as she stepped closer to James. "Honestly one of my soulmates thinks I'm some disgusting animal and makes it his personal mission to torment me at every opportunity." She said gesturing the Sirius who suddenly looked incredibly embarrassed. "Then we have you who's too embarrassed to even speak to me in the light of day."

"That's not fair V and you know it." James started. "You don't get to call me that." Victoria interrupted glaring harshly at the boy. "I tried to fix things and talk to you after that night, and you ignored me V." James continued emphasizing the nickname this time. His eyes flickering over her form as she opened her mouth to speak again. 

"What about me?" Remus asked interrupting the two bickering in front of him. "Why didn't you tell me?" His eyes were pleading as he looked at the girl. 

"I just got you back." Victoria whispered her eyes tearing slightly as she looked at Remus who looked hurt by the whole situation. "I wasn't ready to lose you again." 

"You know that's not your decision to make V." Remus said finally breaking it. "There's four of us and we all had a right to know." 

"Well, if it makes you feel better, I'm out. I rather not be stuck with a pig for the rest of my life." Sirius said with an annoyed chuckle before leaving the room slamming the door behind him. 

"Thats exactly why I didn't tell you." Victoria said looking at the door Sirius had left through. 

"So, because Sirius is a dick, moony and I don't even get a chance?" James questioned with furrowed brows.

"Don't act like you actually want me, James. You only think you do because a bloody piece of parchment told you to." Victoria snapped walking towards her closet to pull out her dress for the performance. 

"Now if you two would leave I need to change." She shooed them out of the room James slugging behind a little trying to prolong his stay although it was clear he wasn't wanted. 

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