21. Victoria and Bad News

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The next few days went quickly as Remus visited the Potters home daily. That wasn't unusual except for the fact that these visits weren't to see James and Sirius. These visits were to see Victoria. 

Remus and Victoria had worked through most of their issues especially the one concerning James and the astronomy tower. She explained how it all started without telling Remus James's problems. She also explained how they fell out and how she felt like the soulmate thing was a giant prank on her. Remus had to admit he was jealous hearing about their bonding time, and it hurt knowing she was avoiding the soulmate things due to Sirius and James's taunting. 

It also sucked that she didn't want to think about the two of them getting together and wouldn't even consider giving him a chance. Her reasoning being that they had only recently become friends again. Remus thought it was a dumb excuse, but he was respecting it. 

His mind raced with thoughts of how to break down the blondes very tall walls again as they sat on her bed talking. He was leaned against the headboard while her head rested in his lap. She talked about her music and how she was planning to fix things with Renee as he played with her hair absent mindedly. Remus felt like he was on cloud nine as she relaxed into his touch smiling up at him. That bubble was burst when James walked in grabbing both of their attention. 

James looked at the two with a hint of jealousy in his eyes as he saw the way they were laid in the bed. He wanted to spend time with Victoria btu it was impossible to get her attention with Remus constantly around and when Remus wasn't around, she was working on her music. 

"Your dad's here Hearts. He needs to speak with you its urgent." James said in a cold voice before leaving the room. Victoria got up from the bed fixing her hair before going downstairs. She wasn't expecting to see her father till the summer. Especially since he was supposed to be in Italy. 

As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she could see the stressed and tired look on his face. He looked like he hadn't slept in days and his eyes were red and puffy. She was caught off guard when he scooped her up into his arms a small sniffling sound escaping him. 

"Dad what's wrong?" Victoria asked in a shaky voice. He chuckled before pulling away. 

"First of all, the fact that John brought you here of all places." he said scowling at John and then looking at her soulmates. "Secondly the fact that your soulmates are the three worst possible options. I mean really the people who made you try and off yourself. I don't know what kind of joke the ministry is making but I won't stand for this." 

"Dad please stop." Victoria said pleadingly as her father continued to speak James, Remus and surprisingly Sirius all jumping up at his words. 

"What do you mean off herself?" James asked in disbelief. 

"Don't act like you don't know." Victor scoffed looking at James. "You three constantly talk about her looks and weight and that only makes others tag along in the fun of beating someone down. She tried to kill herself. She almost didn't make it to school this year because of you and your little friends." Victor said glaring at the three boys.

Sirius turned pale before rushing off to the nearest bathroom throwing up. James and Remus rushed off to help their friend as Fleamont stepped up to Victor trying to calm him down. 

"You know it's not fair to blame them they're only children." He said in a calm voice. 

"Then who do I blame Fleamont because as far as I see it you three are trying to force her into a relationship with the same people who have done nothing but hurt her for years." He said venom dripping in his voice before turning to look at John. "And you? You're fired I don't want you anywhere near my daughter. She doesn't need some old man who's not even relevant anymore trying to teach her anyway. Victoria get your things we're going home." 

Victoria left the room in silence. Tears ran down her face as she packed her belongings. She understood her father's concerns but for him to air out her business like that was embarrassing and now she felt like she couldn't even look at any of the boys again after that scene. As she walked back down to her father, He was wiping his tears as he grabbed her luggage. 

"I will bring her for the New Years Eve performance 5:30 sharp." He said in a monotone voice before holding his hand out to Victoria. She grabbed his hand and they apparated home. 

once they arrived home Victor waved his hand sending her luggage to the bedroom and ushering his daughter to the couch. 

"I apologize for earlier today. I was just so angry at the situation, and I understand if you chose to work things out. I get that you don't have a choice on who your soulmate is. There is something important I need to tell you though." He said choking up slightly as his eyes watered. He twisted his wedding band as he took a deep breathe.

"What's wrong? You're really making me nervous dad." Victoria said as she grabbed his hand trying to comfort him. He squeezed her hand in return almost as if he was scared that she would disappear.

"Your mom passed." the room went silent. Victoria felt like the world was crashing as the words sunk. "There was an accident on set apparently for the film she was shooting, and she didn't make it. I got the news yesterday." Her father said as tears streamed down his face. 

Victoria started to cry as her father pulled her into his arms. Her head tucked under his chin as she cried holding onto her father. They both held on with a tight grip like they were scared of losing one another. 

"I'm so sorry." Her father said with a quiet sob as she continued to cry into his chest. 

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