27. Victoria and Firmness

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Victoria groaned softly as she sat up from the bed. She threw her legs over the side of the bed when she was quickly met with a half-dressed Sirius Black. He handed her school uniform to her before he snaked his arm around her waist lifting her up. 

"Ya know I can stand up and walk without assistance. I'm not some injured bird." Victoria sighed in annoyance. 

"Yea like you totally don't get exhausted walking to classes." Sirius retorted as he led her to the bathroom with her clothes in hand. Victoria rolled her eyes.

"Do you own a shirt Black?" Victoria asked as she was sat on the counter beside the sink. Sirius laughed his cocky smirk emerging as he grabbed their toothbrushes. 

"I do but most women prefer me without one." He teased as he handed her the toothbrush. She started brushing her teeth as she raised an eyebrow at him. "Like what you see love?" He grinned as he started to brush his teeth. 

"I'm gonna buy you some shirts cause clearly you don't have enough." Victoria finished brushing her teeth and Sirius laughed before putting them back. Sirius looked her up and down a smirk etching its way onto his face. She looked cute in her oversized t-shirts and shorts he thought. He learned most of them had some form of a baby animal printed on them though his favorite were still the bunnies.

 "What are you grinning about? Get out I gotta change." Victoria shook her head as she looked at him curiously. 

"I could help with that" Sirius winked as he made his way out of the bathroom to give her some privacy. 

"NEVER GONNA HAPPEN!" she hollered as he shut the door behind him laughing as he went to finish getting ready. 


The boys each took shifts watching her and helping her to class. It worked out since they all shared at least one or more classes with her. it wasn't hard the only time things got rough was around mealtime. Victoria tried to eat but she struggled to eat more than a few bites without panic setting in.

"I'm done." Victoria said quietly to Remus as she out down her fork. Her plate was barely touched but Remus wasn't one to push her to eat too much especially if she wasn't up for it. He shook his head 'okay' as he returned to his own plate talking to Peter and Renee who were talking about forming a study group for upcoming O.W.L.s. 

Sirius watched from across the table. She stopped eating and was just sitting watching everyone talk around her. James was talking to him, but he wasn't paying attention. He couldn't help but feel like she wasn't improving. Within the first week of her staying in their dorm she had started to pick up weight, but she was nowhere near okay again. The panic attacks and breakdown from the weight gain were severe. He wasn't about to let her back track because his friend was too scared to say something. 

"You need to eat more." Sirius said causing James to turn and look at the girl's practically untouched plate. 

"He's right love, just take a few more bites." James said in a soft tone trying to encourage her. 

"I really can't I don't feel too good." Victoria tried to argue looking down at the plate. 

"That's because you're barely eating." Sirius retorted slightly irritated but trying to be understanding. 

"I've been eating a lot lately." Victoria countered.

"You were doing great and now you're backtracking Hearts. Eat the food." 

"No, I don't have to eat it. I don't wanna." Sirius scowled at the girl. He was frustrated.

"Padfoot calm down it's not that serious she's making progress." James tried to reason and calm down his friend. 

"No, I'm not gonna sit around while you two go soft on her. She needs to eat, and you know it, Prongs." 

"Sirius honestly it's okay for one meal." Remus joined the argument trying to reason with his short-tempered friend.

"It's not just one meal it's been the past two days at every meal and what about earlier when she threw away the muffin?" He shot back frustrated before turning back to Victoria. "You thought I hadn't been paying attention huh?" 

Victoria glared at him as Remus rubbed her back soothingly. 

"He is right love. You gotta eat. I should have been paying more attention." Remus said slightly disappointed in himself for not being firmer with her. Victoria rolled her eyes before going back to her plate. 

"Tell you what if you eat all of your food without a fight for the rest of the week, we can go to Hogsmeade, and you can get me those shirts." Sirius said with a smile. Remus and James looked between the two confused and surprised by the promise. 

"Really?" Victoria perked up slightly. He nodded. Victoria looked at him closely, examining him looking for any hint of a lie. She found none and stuck out her hand. He shook her hand in return and quietly went back to eating her food. 

"Did you just bribe her with a date?" James said with a concerned look. Victoria choked on her food at his question. Remus moved quickly to help her.

"Godric no!" Sirius shook his head violently. "You lot said to be civil or even be friends with her!" He defended recalling their previous conversations. Remus and James shared a look. "Besides you two don't even like going shopping with me."

Sirius grumbled and scowled at his friends before turning back to his own dinner becoming rather violent with the mashed potatoes on his plate. 

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