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Author's Note: This book has a twenty-year age gap between the female and the male protagonist. If you're bothered by this, please don't read the story.

Kim Mila

The first time I ever saw Kim Taehyung was when I was six, playing in the living area with my Barbie dolls, he was twenty-six at the time and our respective fathers were best buddies so his visits to my house were frequent. Sometimes he came alone, sometimes with a girl from his college. Every time that he showed up, he brought something for me. Be it my favourite candy or toys, Taehyung had successfully weaved into the heart of an innocent little girl.

He was the first man, apart from my father whom I adored. Maybe I had my mother to blame for that since she would tell me bedtime stories about a tall, dark black-eyed, handsome Prince who lived in white castles.

When I looked at Taehyung, I was convinced he was the Prince of my stories. His house was also white bricked so it really made sense to me that he was royalty. He was the definition of perfection with his thick dark hair, features smooth like a kdrama star, and eyes so strikingly black, you wouldn't be tempted to visit the ocean. u must be thinking of me as a delusional person but this is who I am.

To the six-year-old me, he was the Prince I was going to marry when I grew older. The snot-dripping boys in my school didn't stand a chance.

I even told him about my feelings on my seventh birthday when he showed up with his girlfriend at the party.

"Taetae is my Prince charming and I'm going to marry him!"I remember declaring in my bubble-gum pink dress, wearing a small crown on my head.

The crowd laughed, including my parents along with Taehyung and his girlfriend at the time. The damn party was in hysterics.

"Did you hear what she said, Tae? Isn't she just adorable?" she cooed. He was laughing when he said, "She sure is."

"Of course, honey. Taehyung will marry you. He'll just have to wait another twenty years."

"I would wait for my Princess for as long as it took."

Ironic how he never married and circumstances now are so twisted that we are going to be forced to marry each other in a matter of four weeks.


"Mommy, can I have a chocolate doughnut with sprinkles on it?" My five-year-old son Taejun asks me as he polishes off the remaining crumbs of his muffin. He looks at me with those innocent puppy eyes which are impossible to say no to.

"Sure, sweetie, here you go." I fish for the change from my purse and hand it to him.

Taejun has a bit of a sweet tooth just like me and recently he's been having a ton of desserts. Unlike the fussy mothers I knew of, I think I was a little too soft on him.

I watch my son almost jumping his way to the counter excitedly. He's a great kid, very easy to please.

I drown my second cup of coffee while I do some people-watching. This is one of my hobbies when I'm outside. I like to look at people around me and guess what's happening in their lives, for instance, the couple that sits two tables down from mine. They seem happy, the girl smiles at something the guy says to her but her smile is strained and she seems distracted by her phone. I wonder what their life is like, if she's checking her phone because she's cheating on him with someone else, or if this is her husband and the cheater is the one who's texting her.

I like to solve puzzles; it helps me keep my mind off things.

I take the last bite of my doughnut before dusting the powder off my fingers. Taejun returns to the table with two chocolate doughnuts, one has a spider-man web decorated on it.

"Who are we meeting here, Mommy?"

That's the cue for the cafe's door to open.

Taehyung walks through the door like he owns the place. He's wearing a tailored navy-blue striped suit and I honestly have no clue how someone with a sturdy muscular body can look so elegant wearing it. He looks like a mix of a Ralph Lauren model and a member of the SEAL team. The thick unruly dark curls are tamed but the wind somehow managed to flop his plan a little.

Gone is the boyish touch, in place of it is a man aged like fine wine. There was a sprinkle of silver hair at the corner of his forehead but that did not take away from his beauty.

He's so good-looking at forty-two, it hurts to watch.

The only difference is that he barely smiles now. The carefree Taehyung who laughed with abandon is dead, and in place of him is this older man with cynicism. I wonder if I'd imagined it, maybe I was too young to realize that he used to put up a façade for everyone to see.

"Did your father tell you why you're here?"

"Hello to you too, Mr. Kim. This is my son, Taejun. Taejun, say Hi to Taehyung."

"Hi Taehyung," Chase says shyly, picking up his Spiderman action figure that he had taken everywhere. Sometimes even the bathroom.

"I figured you'd want to get straight to the point." He doesn't smile and skips the greetings altogether. In fact, he looks annoyed and I have a growing suspicion that I'm the reason behind that frown.

"Let's get to the point then."

Then I realize Taejun is still here sitting with me and I don't need him to listen to this conversation. I fish out another few dollars from my purse and hand it to him. "Honey, why don't you go play in the kid's play area?"

"Okay." He looks all too happy to grab the money and get the fuck out of this adult talk.

"Come back here in thirty minutes, okay? Wait, what did I say about strangers?"

"No accepting candies?"

"Never. Have fun, baby."

When Taejun is out of earshot, Taehyung turns his icy black eyes in my direction. "I was hoping you would convince your father that marrying me is a bad idea."

I smile at him. "Absolutely not."


This story has a very complicated start, one which starts with a screaming match.

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