CHP 31

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It's been a few months since I've seen Taehyung. Sometimes I feel the pain when I remember him. but other times I'm good at compartmentalizing my thoughts.

Our fathers are best buddies, which is kind of like a curse and the reason we're forced to bump into each other

Like this weekend at a party. I ask Dad if Taehyung's going to be there, and he says it's unlikely since Taehyung's mostly busy attending to their business overseas.

I'm a little relieved because I don't want to see him. and that's not because I hate him or anything. Quite the contrary.

If I see him, I might beg him to talk to me. I might even use my bratty tone to get what I want. It's foolish, since I know he has a weakness for me.

No matter how stern he likes to act and how cold he treats people. I recognize the warmth in those blue eyes when they look at me, and I want that so badly.

Okay, fine. I'm a self-centred bitch. You can add a hormonal teenage-girl-with-zero-experience with-a guy to that. Put that girl in a room with her crush and watch what she does.

Can you blame me?

It's the only opportunity I had to seduce a man who is unattainable.

I've brought this on myself.

I throw on a sexy dress that makes me hot with heels. I go extra crazy on the mascara and the lipstick.

It's only when I go to the party that I realize the mistake I've made. I'm a predator magnet basically. It's mentioned in the predator rule book that red is enticing. and that's what I'm wearing.

My dad never warns me about these things because he still views me as his "Little Mila" and probably still imagines that I go to preschool.

I'm stuffing myself with finger food when a figure picks up a plate

The familiar scent of the perfume is enough to tell me who it is. I've known this signature perfume for years I don't think I could forget it even if I miraculously got amnesia.

"You having a good night?" he asks me, picking up a pizza roll and putting it on his plate.

I look up at the drop-dead gorgeous man standing beside me. "I am. Fancy seeing you here, Taehyung."

You're going to act mature, Mila! You're going to act real mature!

I keep repeating it to myself, but as he steps closer, I can feel the resolve slowly faltering.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 | THV FFWhere stories live. Discover now