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My dad looks happier than he's ever been. You would think he acquired half the nation's wealth. He's chirpy as fuck, and I know the reason is my wedding and even though I was close to calling it off, I haven't done that yet because I'm not an asshole who wants to kill Senior Kim.

I'm not sure how this is even going to work out. I don't have time for a wife or a bratty kid. I'm betting that Mila's going to get tired of me in a few months and file for a divorce which is totally fine. In that case, my father wouldn't have a choice and he would have to deal with it. I almost pray that she leaves me.

The wedding is going to be a private ceremony that includes a couple of my close friends and relatives on the guest list. I'm very particular about who should and shouldn't be invited.

I took my assistant, Jimin to choose a wedding ring. There were tons of rings to choose from and it's too much of a hassle for me to choose so I told him to get the best one for Mila. He chose the biggest solitaire there was which made the salesman's eyes turn into tennis balls.

It was annoying to see that disgusting smile on Jimin's face as he went from store to store, picking up random things that my wife would need.

Jimin seems more excited about my wedding than I am.

The house is filled with people that are busy doing the decorations for the ceremony. Since my house overlooks a lake, it's the perfect venue. I didn't want to cause an uproar by making it a big lavish wedding with the media swarming the place outside, or guests who attended the wedding for mindless gossip.

I'm an extremely private man who loves his tranquility.

And this tranquility that I have in my life is going to be disrupted by a wife who expects love and a kid who's hell-bent on making my life miserable.

I let my thoughts stray for a second.

Who would have thought that the Mila with the big-toothed smile would marry me someday?

She was about nine most likely when I took her out to the amusement park because the poor kid had no friends and I just took pity on her. We went together on rides, the arcade, and I recall it was a fun day.

I even took her to a concert of her favorite band at the time and since she was so short, she would sit on my shoulders.

It made me happy to see that smile on her face. I guess we used to be kindred spirits. Kids whose parents were either assholes or too busy to give their time. I grew up alone mostly, and I didn't want Mila to experience the same thing so I let her feed off my affection, I became that person she could rely on.

I remember at the hotdog stand, I was buying her food when she started talking to some older girls, early twenties give or take.

I overheard their conversation.

"Your older brother is so cute. Can you give us his number?' One of the girls asked Mila.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 | THV FFWhere stories live. Discover now