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"Mommy, I think there was a ghost in the hotel last night."

Mila turns around to look at her son, who's racing the superheo off the dresser. "There are no ghosts, honey."

"But there are," jun argues. "I heard her scary moaning at night. Oh, yes...Oh god..."

Mila presses her hand on her son's mouth to shut him up. I pretend like I didn't hear him imitate his mother.

"It was super scary, and you were in the bathroom so I hid inside a blanket."

Mila huffs. She sneaks a look at me, but I continue pretending like packing my suitcase is the most interesting thing I've ever done in a while.

"It was probably just the wind." She makes excuses.

"It wasn't. I'm glad we're leaving this haunted hotel."

Mila looks at me like she expects me to tell the kid that it was really the "wind" and not his mother riding his stepfather's dick, but I will not open my mouth. That kid might be my responsibility now, but I won't transform into a father figure overnight and pretend to teach him manners, something I can't do to save my life.

Speaking of manners, it's painful to see Mila struggling to keep the kid in line and now she wants me to help.

The hotel staff load our luggage into the car, and we're driving back to my house. Jun is in the backseat; his chatter is momentarily paused since Mila gave him an iPad. He's busy playing some car racing games on the device.

Mila hasn't said a word to me since she left my bed last night, and I haven't pushed her to speak. If she wants to pretend that nothing happened between us, that's okay with me. She avoids looking directly at me unless she wants to say something relating to Jun.

If it wasn't the child posing as a buffer, this could have been a lot more awkward than it already is.

Maybe she didn't enjoy the sex last night.

But that's not possible. I can tell if a woman was faking it, and Mila's moans were a hundred percent real, so I'm not sure what's this all about.


I have been avoiding conversation with Taehyung not because I hated what we did last night, but it's hard to look him in the eye knowing how I was desperately seeking that release, moaning shamelessly even though my child was sleeping with a wall between us.

Sue me.

I was a little drunk on the wine that I'd downed in the bathtub.

I didn't know how to talk to him after that, so I'd left his bedroom and went directly to bed.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 | THV FFWhere stories live. Discover now