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"Turn off the lights," Mila whispers to me.

"I want to see you."

"I much prefer if it's in the dark." She argues.

If that's what she wants, I guess I could comply with her wishes. I'm dying to know why she wants to fuck in the dark.

"Fine." Begrudgingly, I reach across from her and switch off the lamplight on the side table.

Was she repulsed by the idea of sleeping with a man she didn't love? If that was the case, it couldn't be helped. If I needed that heir, I had to make sure she got pregnant.

I unbuckle almost hurriedly while she takes time to undress. I'm a little impatient tonight, maybe because the whole thing was too fast last night and she'd left my bedroom, leaving me wanting more.



His hands move boldly over my body, his fingers tease my nipples as his mouth covers mine. He wasn't lying when he said he was going to take his time. Taehyung never kisses half-heartedly; he goes all out like he's going to die if the kiss isn't going to be perfect.

I love the feel of his rough hands mapping all over my skin, It's like my body is on fire, not to mention the way he takes control of everything.

"Just to give you a heads up." He speaks as he places hot kisses between my breasts. "I'm a little different in the bedroom. You might not see that side of me outside of here. Would you be okay with that, Mila?"

I nod and then realize he can't see me nodding. "Yeah, I'm fine..."

"I can be cold to people but I'm not really like that."

"I think I know you better than anyone else."

He chuckles and it reminds me of dark chocolate. I never noticed before but he's still wearing a shirt. It's white and it's open. Other than that, he's completely naked.

It's dark but I can see the outline of his cock pointing towards me.

He grabs my breasts with both his hands, "Love these tits. I've always wondered what they felt like." He tweaks the darkened buds making me whimper.

I'm breathing hard and there's moisture pooling between my legs. He takes one in his mouth and sucks. There's just the sound of my breathing that fills the room.

He hasn't even touched me there yet but I feel like I'm close. He moves between my legs, and I feel the roughness of his stubble brushing against my skin.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 | THV FFWhere stories live. Discover now