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~~~~~Present ~~~~~


Taehyung looks uncomfortable with this conversation, and I can't blame him.

We're talking about marriage like it's a business transaction, and it might as well be because he needs an heir that I can give and he's going to provide the money that my father wants.

I've always been a selfish girl, one who has made a ton of mistakes because of it but I can't take this away from my father. He needs the money to stay afloat, a partnership with the Jin could not only save his company but his reputation as well and I want to be the one to give something back to my dad, even if it's a marriage of convenience.

He clears his throat, and uncertainty crosses his features as he looks at me, "Do you have any other questions?"

"Let's talk about what happens after the child is born." I had to make sure I was getting everything that I was going to sign up for. "What if your heir is a girl and not a boy?"

"The gender doesn't matter. If she's a girl, she gets the same thing that a boy would."

"What about your girlfriend?" I blurt out.

I probably shouldn't even be asking this. I mean why should I be bothered if he's going to stay in a relationship or not? It's not like Taehyung and I are in love.

"I don't have a girlfriend." He says with a straight face.

"I'm sure I saw a woman with you during the winter charity function."

I remember that night as clear as day. Taehyung was dressed to impress in a dark tux, a tall, gorgeous woman was on his arm and together they looked like a perfect Hollywood couple. With the way, the woman smiled up to him, and the subtle arm caress, I was under the impression that the lady was Taehyung's newest antique to be added on the shelf.

"You mean Iris. She's just a friend." His face doesn't twitch, there's no emotion when he says it so either he's broken up with this "Iris" or he's a pro at keeping a poker face.

"I think I saw somewhere in the tabloids that they saw her leave your hotel the following morning."

His serious face cracks into a smile, "I don't see how that is relevant to any of this."

"It is relevant because I wouldn't marry a man who's already taken. I'm a lot of things but home wrecker or boyfriend snatcher isn't one of them."

"As I said, it was casual. She was my date that night and I allowed myself to be persuaded into taking her to my bedroom."

"I won't allow such "casual" meetings with your friends after we're married. No matter what you think this is going to be, I can't have you sleeping with other women. Is that too much to ask?"

He shakes his head. "It isn't. You don't need to worry about that. Is your ex in the picture?"

"My ex?"

He frowns, "Yes. The father of your son?"

I wave my hand. "Jun might as well be conceived by sperm donation. Trust me, I don't think the father even knows he's a boy."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 | THV FFWhere stories live. Discover now