CHP 11

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~~~~~PRESENT ~~~~~


Even at work, I can't concentrate on anything. I'm distracted by thoughts of my new bride. I don't know if I have done the right thing by marrying her or if I've made a mistake. Sure, her father needed the money, but does that mean I'm taking advantage of her situation?

Cold sweat breaks over my neck. Her ex used her when she was most vulnerable, I've unknowingly done the same thing. There's almost no difference between that bastard and me.That's going to change.

I'm going to have to take this slow. We can't be making love in the dark like I'm some kind of a monster. Is that why she insisted on keeping the lights out? It could also be some kind of a kink, I had to test it out again.

I recalled the way she had insisted on fixing my tie. She'd gone up on her toes and done the knot skillfully. There was something very domestic about it. She had also brought me my coffee upstairs to the study when she could get the maid to do it. Frankly. I'm not sure why she was doing all that. Regardless, it seemed to give me some warm fuzzies, being cared for and looked after. I kind of like this marriage thing.

1. The things that went down between us were ugly, and I had put it all behind me or at least tried to. Maybe she has revenge planned out. She wants me to pay for what I did all those years ago and this is retribution. She could make me fall in love with her only to break my heart in the end, and I'm not sure if I have the willpower to stop her.


When I get home, I'm headed back to my study when I hear her voice drifting from the open door. I shouldn't eavesdrop but I decide to do it anyway.

Mila is on the phone, video-chatting with her friend, Zoe. She doesn't have many friends but I'm guessing this is the one she went to university with. I met her briefly at our wedding, she'd brought her fiancé as her wedding date. The man seemed as nice as a comfy couch.

"Don't you think it was too fast?" The woman on the other end asks her.

"Nothing was in my hands," Mila answers.

"Of course it was. Do you love him?"

I lean more heavily against the open door, anticipating her answer.

"I used to have a crush on him since was like sixteen but that's it. Taehyung and I are married because one, Taejun needs a dad, two, my daddy's bankrupt, and three, Taehyung needs an heir. He's never going to fall in love with me and I guess I'm okay with that."

"Mila, I really don't know what to say."

"So don't say anything."

"You and he are like eighteen years apart. How's this going to work?"

"It will."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 | THV FFWhere stories live. Discover now