bonus: 118

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June 27th 2025

"But what about sports day?!" Jihye whined from the backseat

"We'll make it back in time" Jaehyun smiled, checking at her through the rear view mirror

"Do I have to go?" Jihye asked with a pout as Jaehyun recited to her in the car that she would have a dentist appointment today

"Yes you sweetheart, we gotta make sure your teeth are all nice and healthy" He said with a wide smile, making a turn at the corner

"Why?" She asked curiously

"Because if your teeth aren't healthy then you could get really sick. You don't want to be sick right?" Kira said with a smile, looking at the back to check on Jihye and Jinhyung in his car seat.

"He'll be fine, stop worrying so much love" Jaehyun smiled, placing a hand over hers to make her turn back to the front

"I know...he's just so tiny and quiet" Kira pouted, knowing Jinhyung only ever really cried when he was hungry or sleepy. It almost worried her of how easy it was.

"And we're here!" Jaehyun exclaimed, pulling into the parking space outside the dental practice Kira used to work at.

"I'll take Jihye and fill out her forms, you changed her emergency contacts to both of us right?" Kira asked and he nodded with a smile, patting her thigh before getting out on his side to take Jinhyung out along with his carrier before meeting the two inside.

"Hello" Jaehyun smiled at the receptionist who cooed at the baby immediately as he walked in

"Daddy look!" Jihye exclaimed and he turned his head to see Jaemin by her side

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Jaehyun asked, patting his shoulder

"Getting my braces checked" Jaemin smiled looking back down to see Jihye clutch onto Jaehyun's hand instead.

"This little one is getting her check up today" Jaehyun said and Jaemin nodded, looking at Jinhyung in the carrier

"Do you want me to mind him for a bit?" Jaemin asked and Jaehyun shook his head, knowing the Dream schedule was looking far more hectic than 127 these days.

"No it's okay, you go on" Jaehyun smiled and he nodded, bidding the kids goodbye before walking out of the building.

"Lets go baby" Jaehyun smiled, squeezing Jihye's hand lightly before bringing her into the room.

"Hello, look who it is!" Dr. Song greeted as he saw Jihye walk in

"Hi!" She smiled happily, skipping in and resting up on the chair.

"Is this Jinhyung? We finally get to meet" he cooed, looking at the boy who smiled widely up at him as Jaehyun placed the carrier on the desk.

"How old is he now?" Dr.Song asked

"Three months" Jaehyun smiled, looking at his quiet little boy

"Few more years and he'll be on the chair" Jaehyun chuckled, moving to stand next to Kira.

"Jihye, you get two lollipops today since your brother can't eat any yet" Dr. Song chuckled, moving to Jihye and popping his mask on.

"Will it hurt?" Jihye asked and he hummed

"The cleaning will hurt a little bit" he said truthfully and Jihye looked at Kira nervously.

"It's okay, I'll be right here" Kira smiled, patting her hand comfortingly to help calm her down while Jaehyun kept Jinhyung's attention.

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