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"They're fine! Worry about yourselves!" Kai reassured over the phone and ended the call before Kira even had the chance to ask to speak to the children again. Kira sighed and tucked the phone back into her jacket, seeing Jaehyun return back from the food van with a piping hot grilled cheese sandwich in his hands

"How are the kids?" He asked his dimple poking out, sheepishly smiling as he almost dropped the neatly wrapped sandwich

"Kai keeps saying to enjoy ourselves and won't let me talk to them" Kira sighed, offering to hold it instead. They pulled their halves of the sandwich apart, laughing at the long and satisfying cheese pull that Kira didn't hesitate to step in and bite.

"You make these so much better" Jaehyun hummed as he swallowed his first bite of the toasted bread and Kira chuckled

"Is this your way of getting me to cook more?" She asked with her eyebrows raised and he shook his head quickly

"You're lucky I even let you near the stove" Jaehyun teased, grabbing her hand quickly and dragging her through the park they had taken many walks in by now—each journey having Kira complaining about how long it took and how tired she was.

This time was different. For the first time in a while the two parents were taking some time for themselves without their kids present because—

"So this is our honeymoon?" Kira asked with slight disappointed in her voice and Jaehyun smiled

"How much more do I have to do to keep you happy?" He asked with a playful pout and she rolled her eyes

"Nothing, I love it. It's perfect" she said reassuringly but Jaehyun could see right through it. He still remembered their conversation before their wedding two years ago, one of her complaints being that they would have to postpone their honeymoon because of the baby on the way. However postponing eventually turned into forgetting—until Jaehyun randomly woke up two night ago and was determined to do something about it. After all, he was a romantic.

"Don't lie...I know you want more" he teased and she shook her head

"Nope. Walk in the park is fine. My favourite thing to husband knows me so well" she stated sarcastically and he let out a chesty laugh, pinching her cheek before his eyes caught the sight of a records store. Without another thought, he grabbed her wrist and dragged her in, herself helplessly tailing behind him, cheeks puffed up as she chewed another bite of the sandwich.

"This is...heaven" Jaehyun sighed out, looking up at the tall rustic shelves and she rolled her eyes, watching him act like a kid visiting a comic store for the first time. His feet were fast as he followed his heart's strings, his fingers quickly grazing every vinyl record, passing the ones that interested him to Kira as he worked in silence.

She watched him with heart full eyes, admiring the way his lips pouted every time he was focused, mumbling something to himself about the price, eyes quickly scanning every shelf as if he was on some top secret mission. And admiring him was something every girl in that store was doing at that moment

"Is that Jung Jaehyun?! Oh my god he's so handsome!" Some girl squealed from behind her and Kira let out a dreamy sigh

"I know right?" She agreed, watching him like she had met him for the first time again

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