|| Drunken Disputes; Big Egos ||

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Unwanted thoughts would slowly implant themselves into Niragi's mind as the sun descended into the depths of the sky revealing a truly chilling darkness that loomed through the thick fog of this unsettling evening.
The thoughts Niragi often wondered upon when nights like this descended upon us...
Would go somewhat like this:
'How could pure silence that loomed around us on these cold, chilling evenings can awaken and invite in unwanted violence in our hearts?'

It was one of the many questions that left him in deep thoughts as he sat on the roof top, cigarette lit in hand, deeply inhaling the thickness of the smoke that would harshly enter his airways.

There were many other unwanted thoughts that would implant into his mind, that would send him into rabbit holes, one of many being 'Is redemption truly a thing?'.
Niragi was uncertain of whether the silence from the commotion was healing, informative, or even a judgement of himself as an individual. As he sat and pondered some more, he was met with the memory of his past, something in which he had heavily embedded within himself when entering the borderlands.

Before he had any more time to get lost away with time, he had matters to attend to.

As he finished the lasts of his slowly dying cigarette, he flicked the bud off of the roof-top and groaned as he picked himself up from the ledge, perching his beloved AK-47 over his shoulder. The AK-47 was more of a sentiment shown to assert and prove his dominance more than anything else, and he knew that — but it would be something he would never admittedly say into a voice of words.

Niragi heard the commotion beginning which caused that normal devilish smirk to form around each corner of his lips, "Time to Party..." he said as his voice had a gravelly timbre to it, which was reminiscent of rocks grinding next to each other.

As the main lobby filled with lively characters that seemed excited for the night-life to be finally forming.
Chishiya was his classic self, hood up, watching from afar all the people running amok throughout the lobby. Until a silence settled itself into the lobby.


The shots of a familiar assault rifle echoed throughout the lobby, this caused the commotion of celebration to come to a halting end. Niragi's unsettling devilish smirk still remained glued onto his face as words began to form from his mouth, "LET THE PARTYING BEGIN, woooohooo~!" Niragi howled, assaulting the air with a ray of bullets being fired continuously from his AK-47, sending the lobby back into a whirlwind of applause, laughter and excitement.

Chishiya shook his head and sighed, "As stupid as ever...I can't believe he's one of the higher-ups" he muttered underneath his breath, putting his hands in his pockets.

Niragi went to this celebration with the pure intention for getting drunk and nothing else - its not a party if you don't get shit-faced am I right?

Whereas Chishiya wanted to leave as fast as possible — he had no plans in getting caught up in the midst of a drunken brawl.

As chishiya made his way through the masses of people, he encountered Kuina. Unintentionally, but he didn't mind as much.

"Hey Chishiya" Kuina waved with excitement, not expecting chishiya to be in such a place - parties really weren't his thing.

"Hey Kuina" Chishiya lifted his hood from his head exposing the entirety of his face "how's it going" ,

"Pretty good thanks!" Kuina smiled as she grabbed Chishiya's wrist, "come drink with us! Drinks on me, it's a rarity to see you here"

Chishiya sighed harshly and let his weight willingly get dragged through the madness by Kuina, as they sat on a round table with Ann.

Small talk circled the table, a couple drinks into the night a familiar raven-haired man entered their atmosphere, wobbling his way through the crowd, beer in one hand.

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