|| Stuck In A Dilemma ||

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—AU: 🔞—
• Summary •
—College Students: Nerd Niragi X Saviour Chishiya—
Niragi and Chishiya were room-mates on their Campus—making them close-friends.
Niragi is extremely touch-starved, but is terrified of going out in public in searches of a "hook-up", even the thought felt unsettling to him.
Terrified of potentially being vulnerable to a stranger.

Half dazed and drunken with a heightened sense of urgency, Niragi struggles to battle against his internal instincts of need & want.

What will happen?

Niragi was never a people person.

How could he be when he was the main target of consistent torment?

How is one meant to expand out of his isolated bubble when every given chance was beaten down consistently by people whom ran carnage in his life.

There was no escape from their rampage, everyday was a pattern that never died out.

It was him against the world every step of the way.
Or that's how life made him feel.

Thankfully to his own surprise, he was surrounded by his small circle of friends— only tranquil and peaceful.

When time's got rough, he knew he always had the clarity of mind in knowing he'd comeback from a hard day with the security and safety of his room-mate, Chishiya.

They never spoke in-depth regarding the carnage Niragi faced in his day-to-day life on Campus, yet Chishiya knew— words didn't need to be spoken to show the truth.

To Niragi the simplicity of making friends or even venturing outside of his comfort-zone to go and interact with people outside of the campus via bars just seemed irrational, especially for the pleasure of a casual hook-up.

All for what? Just for him to feel explicitly uncomfortable with a stranger exchanging in mediocre sex that meant nothing? No thanks.

It wasn't in his interest to hook-up, especially with someone whom he hardly knew.
In moments, he did crave physical affection and attention. The knowing of someone, anyone to that matter that would acknowledge his existence and not only accept him but love him regardless, flaws and all.

That was truly a magical— almost surreal —feeling.

Venturing outside of the comfort of his own safety bubble for something so mediocre as a classic 'hook-up' felt absurd and something he was avidly against.

Never. Ever. Will that be in his interests.
He wanted to emphasise that, clearly.

In most cases, he was more than happy sharing his space with Chishiya, even if the other was persistently observant and quiet. It was somewhat comforting to know of someone in your life that is so observant that they know of your hurt without presenting it in words.


There were many of times when loneliness got the best of Niragi, and he wished he could skip past the awkward moments of the talking phases and just simply fall-in-love with someone.
But, life was never that easy and besides with his tainted reputation and devaluation on campus the simplicity of 'falling in love', felt merely impossible.

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