|| Nightly Visitation ||

196 7 6

Warning: SMUT containing — Non-con.
• Story Summary •
Niragi has a tendency to sleepwalk whilst in deep sleep. He often pays Chishiya nightly visitations, inserting himself into bed for a rather surprising encounter.


Chishiya was prone to being a light-sleeper.
Needless to say, when he felt something slowly grinding against his ass it awoke him from his light slumber, his eyes warily sliding open in confusion to the current circumstance he met himself in — which would prove to be a nightly event of re-occurring events.

And soon enough, it became obvious that Niragi was on the heavier side of the sleeping spectrum, and was also prone to sleep-walking.

It became routine to expect Niragi to make his grand entry into Chishiya's room every-night at around the 1am mark.
Chishiya could of easily locked his door before sleeping, but as low as it seems, he rather enjoyed the pleasure of what Niragi's nightly adventure installed for him.

It all started one peaceful evening, it was random and the least expected thing to happen on Chishiya's list of possibilities of events that could bring his way - especially when it comes to the Beach.
His observation skills were impeccably impressive, however, no amount of observation or awareness could have helped him expect this series of events.

Chishiya was laid restfully in a peaceful sleep, the room radiating pure warmth and tranquility.
Yet, that tranquility was yet to be reverted by the likelihood of Niragi.

Niragi softly turned the door-handle, and with no surprise it opened gaining the unaware male entrance into Chishiya's hotel-room.

Chishiya's rest of peacefulness came to a halting end as he felt someone's presence enter the sheets of his bed, a firm, stern hand slowly snaking it's way smoothly to his hip.

He was tempted to shove Niragi off, but with a slight head-tilt, glancing over his shoulder it appeared that the other was still in a deep sleep.
Instead of waking the other up, he decided to allow it to slide considering it was only for one night.

However, choosing this decision would prove to be Chishiya's downfall into torture— to himself.

As he closed his half-lidded eyes in an attempted effort to ignore the other and slowly fall back asleep into a comfortable rest again as.
He felt the other's hot breath hit the crook of his neck sending a rather pleasurable tingling sensation down his spine as Niragi slowly started to grind against Chishiya's ass.

Chishiya didn't have the mental capacity to fully comprehend what was going on nor did he have the capabilities of knowing how to overcome a situation like this. The need for sleep loomed over him, his eyes threatening to give-way, even so, he felt shame overflow him as he could feel the slick forming in his boxers. A trickling sensation that came from his tip that leaked profusely into his boxers.

He knew it was bad of him to enjoy such a sinister thing, especially coming from someone like Niragi.
But his body couldn't help but like what was happening, even with the fight he was having with himself mentally, cursing and degrading himself.

He did nothing to prevent Niragi from continuing, however, he did add heat to the flame.
The only thing he was subconsciously focusing on was the desperation of need that built in his boxers.

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