|| The Scars that Bound Us Together #1 ||

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—Themes for this series throughout—
- Already Established Relationship (dynamic),
- Slow-Burner,
- After The Borderlands (they still have vague memories of the borderlands),
- Angst + Slight Fluff,
-Smut Scene at Some point,
- Communication? Non-existent,
-Suggested Murder,
-Wanted Criminals,
-Niragi is a drug trafficker/dealer,

•Part 1 of 4.2•


'You're like a drug that's been heavily laced'


As Niragi walked through the midst of a snow storm, a trail of crimson stains the pure white snow beneath him.
The contrast between the fresh blood and the pristine snow creates a trail of misleading evidence. Niragi's breath came out in ragged gasps, his face pale and strained, each stride becoming all the more labored.

The environment around him is eerily quiet, with only the muffled sound of his footsteps and the soft whisper of the falling snow.

This is what it must feel like to die.
The quietness was almost deafening.

The neighbouring streetlights, dimmed by the storm, casted long shadows that seem to dance and flicker in the depths of the night.

Then Niragi's vision slowed to a blur, making it all the more difficult to navigate the darkened streets.
The snowflakes cling to his eyelashes and hair, melting against his skin. The coldness seeps into his gaping wound, intensifying the pain and reminding him of his desperation. His weakness.

With each passing moment, Niragi's strength wanes, and his steps become more unsteady. He left behind a trail of footprints, gradually growing fainter as his energy fades. The snow continues to fall, covering their tracks and erasing any evidence of his desperation and struggle.

Then finally, with the dreaded final last steps that felt like eternity,
He had officially made it.
Arrival at last.


A barrage of knocks applied themselves firmly at the wavering wooden door that was presented in front of Niragi. Each knock a desperate call for help — yet he'd never admit such a thing, because he wasn't weak.

As he saw the door-handle twisting in a desperate fight to open, Niragi instantaneously pulled himself upright from his desperate hunch to preserve his energy to regain his authority — or muster up any remaining arrogance he could possibly gather — learning against the door frame, as the door slowly revealed himself to the other.

Chishiya, still dainty with the anonymity of his hood shading the vast majority of his face decided to break the silence first, analytically throwing a small glance at Niragi's body before vocalising his thoughts,
"You look like hell" he spoke, tonality thick with only dryness, his facial features not even hindering any type of emotion. Unreadable.

"Fuck you" Niragi hissed, only being able to muster up a small tangent of words, clicking his tongue on the roof of his mouth, allowing himself forceful entry into Chishiya's apartment — a measly push at best — to be welcomed with only the sound of the door shutting behind him.

If it wasn't for his desperation, he would of put Chishiya in his place right there and then.
Who the fuck does he think he is anyways?
Acting all high and mighty.

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