|| Fuck or Die ||

332 6 17

——SMUT ——
• Warning: Mentions of Blood ;; Spit ;; Dom/Sub (Power Switch - Chishiya top/Niragi Bottom) ;; Anal ;; Head ;; Slight Edging •
Context — (Requested Chapter):
This is a SMUT chapter, Chishiya and Niragi are ordered by Hatter to go out this specific evening paired together to attend a newly released arena within the area of the outskirts of Shibuya.
To their shock, the contents of the game wasn't what either of them expected walking into the arena...


Today was their day to shine to prove their positions within the Beach.
Their visas were crippling on their last days and that meant it was game time, luckily to their dismay Hatter had ordered them to leave that following evening to scout out and check for new arenas that were suspected of popping up on the far outskirts of Shibuya.

As they loaded into their models of transport, Niragi huffed aggressively, asserting himself into the driving seat of the vehicle, with Chishiya swiftly in the passenger seat — of course, rifle snuggly kept in the nearest available spot, his lap. As his foot hit the ignition peddle, setting off on their little death task.

To their pleasure, they made their arrival to the arena. It was surely skeptical, the area was completely abandoned, and the lights flickered to a near-by alley way with the signs encouraging newcomers to enter via a narrow side-entrance to this secluded building. It was surely sketchy, but it was nothing they weren't conditioned to at this point.
They teetered on the edge of death weekly, playing games of 50/50 that could drain them of their final form instantly.

They both sluggishly picked themselves up from the depths of the seats they sat in, Niragi halting the car with the flick of his keys, stopping the engine from polluting it's thick smog into their climate as the engine huffed it's final breath before going back to rest.

Niragi shoved his rifle over his broad shoulder, analysing their environment thoroughly before making their awaited chariot to their possibly last breaths, entering through the skeptical side door of the complex building, that seemingly was on it's final legs as debris was the only form of life to keep the structure from completely crumpling from underneath.

Chishiya sighed, "You better not do anything stupid" he stated, his eyes flickering upwards to meet the icy-gaze of the taller raven-haired male, "Whatever, just don't get in my way - we both know you're flimsy body-type isn't fit for spades" he hissed through gritted teeth, grabbing a clutch of his AK-47 as he signed into the registration via the phones provided, shooting daggers Chishiya's way.

Chishiya lowly chuckled as he registered himself into the game, "Just because you've killed a bunch of men doesn't mean you're smarter than me" he proudly exclaimed, confidence rolling off of his tongue as he stated it, which in his mind was purely factual. An idiot can wield a weapon and be deemed as powerful, it's purely for status and domination. Anyone can kill with the right means or motive.

As Niragi toyed with his lower lip seemingly taken offence to Chishiya's remark, "You always know how to get on my fucking nerves, Chishiya", Niragi exhaled harshly, emphasising his name, as he stood impatiently in the registration room. More players unknowingly flowed within the room making up for the eerie space with it feeling more communal now and less daunting, "let's get this game going already" Niragi sighed.

Then, suddenly the time ran dry.
Announcement time.
Bickering that echoed the room came to a halt as the AI voice spoke over the pair.

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