|| Living in a Game of Hearts? #2 ||

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———ANGST + DEATH ———

Chishiya's POV:
I didn't utter a word, my lips stayed locked shut. I observed Niragi as he scurried backwards, desperation seemed to claw at him, pure urgency becoming apparent, his face showing an emotion he had never seen within the raven-haired individual before...fear.

Niragi's movements were completely erratic, the depths of Niragi's widened eyes was able to show him a clear sense of panic as he internally began to spiral downwards into a turbulent state.

I observed carefully with distance, paying a close eye to the newer side of Niragi's character.
'Seems like his mask is slipping' he thought to himself, as he glanced over again.

I was known for being Vain and cold-hearted.

Yet, I felt a sense of not only curiosity, but concern also?

The air was thick with tension.
Almost palpable.
I could feel my heart beating rather abnormally to usual.

'Why is this?' I thought to myself,

When I glanced over again the raven-haired man had made his desperately wanted exit, the steel door fluttering in sync with the wind that sporadically flowed in an non-symmetric direction.

I sighed, placing my hand over his chest.


I hadn't felt such emotion since working back at the hospital.

Did his heart ache for Niragi?

I sighed, slowly picking myself up from the ledge I once sat down comfortably on, before glancing down at my foot, "Niragi's  Radio..." I kneeled down to grasp it in my clutch, observing it in it's entirety.

"I guess this is the world signalling me to go check on Niragi"  I uttered to myself before taking a deep exhale, making my way to the door, walking down the steel steps.

Upon entry to Niragi's room, I faintly knocked on the door with 0 response.
I decided to hover my ear over the door for signs of life inside, nothing.

I, on a whim looked down at the door knob deciding to give it a try.
And to my surprise it worked, the lock clicked gaining him access to Niragi's dorm room.

"Fate made me come here..." I mumbled to himself, walking into Niragi's room.

His room followed by the bathroom was a chaotic reflection of the turmoil within, clothes strewn across the floor like fallen leaves in autumn, the bed was unmade the sheets tangled within eachother.
Photos of Niragi's previous life draped lifeless as they scattered across the dresser, their memories seemingly too much to bare.

Admits all the chaos, a stream of bright light flowed through the cracks of a door.
Chishiya slowly paced himself, breathing slowly as he peered through the crack.

Niragi looked so helpless.
His energy looked all spent up.
His eyes, once so evil, now looked so pure.

The room around me slowly started to fade to the background as my focus continued to narrow on Niragi's still figure.

In the hush of the room, I slowly kneeled down beside Niragi's cold still body.
As I kneeled down, I softly placed my warm hand and stroked it between his soft, luxurious black hair.
My voice became a soft murmur, gently saying: "you'll be okay..." as I shared my warm touch connecting in Niragi's soft hair, brushing the remaining strands out of his face my attention diverted to his hands.

"Your lucky i'm a doctor" I sighed, steadily pulling myself up from the cold tiled floor. Afterwards, I had lamely attempted to carry Niragi bridal style and with enough efforts I was able to pick-up and carry the larger male, lightly placing him onto the mayhem that was called his bed.

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