|| My WorldWide Handsome ||

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———Famous X Fan———
Chishiya is a well-known artist (painter) within the community — people even travelled worldwide to view his art in the flesh.
Niragi was a nobody whom found attraction in Chishiya's art.

What will happen?

Warning ;; Masturbation (Mild Smut Warning).
(Word count: 3845)

In the bustling streets of Shibuya lived Chishiya who was a talented artist. He had an immensely deep passion for painting, spending the majority of his days producing paintings that truly captivated the landscapes of japan.
He would rarely spend his time at home, instead working on his paintings by travelling all across of Japan to truly be able to capture the essence of Japanese culture and the vibrancy of each individual city.

Chishiya's art was an insight of how he viewed the world through his own hazel eyes.
Each individual one of his paintings contained vibrancy and intricate details reflecting the depths of his heart and soul.
People from across the globe would come together to travel to the small city of Shibuya to admire his art, and that truly touched Chishiya's heart that he knew that his art captured the eyes of others.

As the years went by, Chishiya's fulfilment with his art grew apart, and he began to rethink his life choices.
Years of work and success was amazing, but he hadn't truly been able to live his own life with being bound down with so much dedication to his works.

He craved something more in his life.
Loneliness slowly crept up on him over the years and it truly ate him alive.
With being so busy throughout the years, travelling place to place and being consistent with releases.
He never had the time to truly enjoy his life.

Burn-out was real tough, his spark was slowly starting to fade.
He truly loved delving his nose into a canvas, and viewing life through capturing a different sense of reality.

Til the day finally came, the change in his life that would truly reignite his passion again.


On this day, Chishiya had an important role in attending their local museum in the heart of Shibuya to introduce and celebrate one of his newer works being added to the exhibition collection.
He was very excited as this was a major breakthrough in his career and it had been something he had dreamed of since he had started this business for himself.

What he didn't know was that he'd meet the love of his life on this very day.


As he entered the building and headed to the exhibition, it was crowded with a sea of people whom seemed eager and enthusiastic.
This made him warm on the inside, a innocent smile forming on his face.

He had the honours of cutting the ribbon and introducing the meaning of his piece of art.

"Welcome Everyone! Today's a magnificent day which I get to share with you all! This is something I had dreamed of since I became an artist and to share this experience with you all is truly special " Chishiya spoke with confidence, his words truly amplifying the energy within the room as everyone began their wails of cheer, "Now, let's reveal!" He exclaimed, cutting the ribbon to reveal the new entry within the museum of artistry.

As the crowd cheered, and autographs were handed out. There was one person whom stood out to Chishiya even through the sea of people whom seemed eager in striking him a conversation.

He seemed so... quiet and preserved?
His hair long & black stylishly tied in a half bun and his glasses perched on his nose, he had a unique and captivating look — this enticed Chishiya, this man was like no other, even in comparison with the waves of people whom flooded him weekly.
His character, demeanour and personality stood out.
Chishiya knew true beauty when he saw it, and this man was breath-taking.

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