|| Hypnotic Eyes ||

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A heart can be broken; but it keeps beating.
Angst? •
They hated each-other with a burning passion.
That was undeniable and factual.

Their intolerance for each-other was humid in the air with traces of burning tension that kindled with it.
The way their eyes met and pierced deep within each-other's souls was hypnotic.
Chishiya had an addiction of facing death within it's grasps whilst staring into the soul of the raven-haired man known as Niragi, he knew each pressing word was one step closer to making the trigger happy-man lose his composure as his finger loved sitting anxiously on that trigger.

There was something about Niragi that struck him in the heart, but couldn't quite place the emotion.
He knew death wasn't something to be feared with this man — what should be feared is his hypnotic eye's and devilish expression.

Their lives weren't all that different; they were just different forms of each-other, one being in a later stage than the other. 
Niragi being the later stage.

Niragi was ordered into Hatter's office early in the morning as an urgent meeting along with other executives.
He seemed displeased by the instant urgency of a meeting to be called. Meeting's to him was like torture on his brain, boredom eating him alive from the inside out.

He groaned, throwing his head back against the head-board of the bed.
"This better be fucking worth it" he grumbled to himself, slithering himself out of his bed with a sense of laziness to it.
He slowly got himself dressed, tying his hair in a scruffy bun before picking up his AK-47 to swiftly throw it over his shoulder — his sentiment to who he was, dominant and powerful.

As he sluggishly made his way to the meeting room, he analysed his surroundings to see Chishiya was missing, weird.
He shrugged it off, throwing himself in his designated seat with a long withdrawn sigh that escaped his lips.

His 'I don't care' attitude was swiftly to change in an instant as Hatter started to announce the meeting as undergoing with the absence of Chishiya.

'What the fuck?' He thought to himself, looking with a sense of confusion.

"Chishiya is missing. He was decleared as missing since last night at precisely 10:34pm" Hatter stated with a sense of seriousness to his tonality, this rang alarm bells in Niragi's ears.

"What the fuck?" Niragi's face showed a sense of care? Why did he even care in the first place.

Niragi was experiencing a turmoil of emotion within, a never ending spiral that didn't seem to settle. A thunderstorm brewing in the depths of his 'emotionless' pit.

"It's not like Chishiya" Kuina stated making her entrance into the room, her head held low avoiding eye-contact, "He would of atleast told me if he planned to go anywhere, we are bestfriends.." Kuina muttered underneath her breath.

Swiftly, Niragi flung himself out of his chair and nested the muzzle of his AK-47 nicely into the creases of Kuina's neck, grinding his teeth together. His true psycho-self coming out from underneath his invisible mask, "Why are you acting so weirdly, it was you wasn't it? Your hiding something"

"Niragi, why do you care anyways? You never showed any interest in Chishiya the moment he step foot onto the Beach" Kuina said, her voice crackling as her eyes welled with tears.

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