|| One Kiss is All It Takes ||

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AU — before borderlands: Chishiya is a medical-student appointed into looking after Niragi whom was admitted 12 hours prior due to serious injury from an assault which he fell victim to from his perpetrators.
(Something more light-hearted — Short fix-fic)

Niragi woke in a state of confusion.

In the heart of the city, where the sounds of life never faded, there was a man who was broken, severely broken.

His dreams faded into black...

As he awoke in a realm of white, the stark silence of a hospital room enveloping him. Above, a single lightbulb flickered erratically, casting an uneven glow that mirrored the man's confusion. It was a stark contrast to the constant vibrancy he was used to, the steady hum of Shibuya that fueled his creativity.

As his eyes adjusted to the light, the man's mind raced with questions. How did he get here? What happened to the colorful world he knew? The lightbulb continued its dance, a visual representation of his fragmented thoughts.

He peered over to see the blank space that seemed overwhelming, the only thing that filled the emptiness of the bed-side table cabinet was the singular placement of a small glass of stale water with a pink plastic straw peering out of it.
The simplicity of a straw was enough to make Niragi snap, the symbolism reminded him of his innocent-self, his inferiority and weakness.
He took it with high-offence.

Niragi bit the bottom of his lip harshly, teeth deeply sinking into the depths of his lip, piercing a small droplet of blood to form and trickle down his chin, "Acting like I'm a fucking kid..." he snickered, clamping a firm grasp on the plastic straw, throwing it dramatically across the room for it to slowly float and hit the ground, not gaining much traction from his aggressive approach to his throw.

The hint of blood coating on the metallic ball that was clamped down on his tongue made him lowly chuckle to himself before he checked himself out to see the extent of his damage.

Severe bruising on his arms, showing a deep-root purple colouration that plumped nicely with his pale-white skin.

He slowly idled himself to shuffle upwards to rest himself in a up-right position that proved him major difficulty, groaning throughout the pain seeing his chest was bandaged up tightly, along with the sides of his face. Presumably his arm had been broken, face beaten to a pulp and definitely a broken rib...

"Fuck this shit..." he sighed lowly, the only thing keeping the room from being utterly silent was the droplets that slowly rained down from the IV's that were stuck firmly in a lock on Niragi's arm.

Lost in thought, thinking on the possibilities of this happening to him and trying to recall the moments that led up to it, his pondering on past became abruptly interrupted by a blonde-haired individual whom wore a white gown with suit attire,
"So you finally awoke, you were out cold for a while" he stated in a calm, neutral tone, shining Niragi a small, soft smile.

Niragi sighed, turning his face to the side avoiding making eye contact, "what's it to you anyways" he said, his voice showing little to no emotion at all, only dryness.

"It's my job" Chishiya chuckled, "I'll be working with you throughout your recovery"

"Well, luckily for you, i'm not a little fucking whiney bi—" Niragi's sentence was cut short with a coughing fit, his lungs englufed in a rage for air as his airways ran dryly, triggering a tickly dry coughing sensation as he cried out in pain, his chest shaking from the sharpness of his rib attacking his cough attack.

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