|| Irredeemable or Broken? #3 ||

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~Part 3 of 3~
•Final Part of the series: Irredeemable or Broken•

—Happy Ending—
—Mentions of: Bullying, SA—


More than anything it pained him to see the other turn around one last time, the way the corner of his lips faintly turned upwards weakly and pathetically crushed Chishiya's soul.
It was a faint smile— a forced one— it wasn't his real smile...

The days ahead never got easier.
Being in executive meetings, Chishiya's eyes would lock into contact with Niragi's.
The blank expression that over-rode Niragi's facial features never wavered, and Chishiya hated that he couldn't pierce through Niragi's facade.
The same expression of blankness Niragi wore was the same dull, dark expression that he had nicely fitted on his face before their closeness started— and he hated it with a burning passion.

Niragi was distant and unwelcoming.

Chishiya felt his stomach hurling as if he wanted to vomit,
Yet he never actually vomited.
It was an unsettling feeling, an experience so surreal.
Guilt loomed over him as a feeling of an unprecedented emotion flung over him like a tidal wave.
He wanted to cry again, as Niragi stared deeply through Chishiya as if he were non-existent.
Chishiya's hands were shaking uncontrollably besides him til the meeting was over, then their distance grew vastly— never seeing each-other again for the entirety of the day that remained.

A week had passed since the chaotic meeting at the bar that was completely non-intentional.
And Chishiya had not heard from Niragi once, nor had he bumped into him at their regular hang-out spots or seen him around the Beach unless it was mandatory.

Chishiya had stuck by Niragi's wishes of wanting personal space and no contact,
Yet it never made the other any less miserable.
He felt out of place and completely lost without the presence of Niragi— even if Niragi did wind him up sometimes, he still secretly enjoyed the pestering and bickering.

Chishiya was only left with himself lost helplessly in a rut of depression as he floated around his small boxed rooms in his hotel-suite, rummaging through the endless pit of nothing in a search for food.

With a massive failure hanging over him as he wasn't able to find any food to source his hunger he gave into submission, flinging himself onto his bed effortlessly, dazing off into the blankness of his room.

Usually the peacefulness of his surroundings would be the key in his life for utter joy.
But, these past few days it was nothing but torture.
The scenes from the bar replaying over and over.

Please come back to me...

Kuina had offered help one night when she came round to console Chishiya, she was adamant of making everything better— but Chishiya harshly declined, he believed that Kuina involving herself would only be forceful and would cause more collateral damage than actual good.

At first, it was Chishiya whom had planted himself into the other's life to destroy his heart. But, with Niragi's consistent pestering and persistent behaviours, following Chishiya around, forcing him down to the bar some evenings, making Chishiya smile and laugh.

All this attention had single-handedly made Chishiya feel special, and he had been casted underneath a spell.

He fell in love.

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