|| Give me More ||

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——SMUT ;; Over-Stimulation ;; Punishment ;; Degradation ;; Slight-praise ;; spanking ;; Choking ;; rough-sex ;; Humiliation ——

Niragi and Chishiya had been appointed on duty errands around the Beach, making sure that everything was in standardised order and condition that fitted in Hatter's ideals and principles.

Throughout the day, Chishiya had been taunting Niragi with his little 'meaningless' words, which rolled off the tongue so eagerly and teasingly, their distance was shortly filled, their bodies neatly pressing against eachother as Chishiya looked-up at Niragi with half-lidded eyes, softly palming Niragi's bulge, teasing with pure innocency in his eyes, "I want you" he stated in a raspy tone, his breathes warmth spreading goosebumps across Niragi's exposed neck, "so bad~" Chishiya further teased, palming faster which granted Chishiya's ears to ring in joy hearing a pleasant low groan to release from Niragi's lips before all pleasure left as Chishiya's palm retreated and Chishiya's bodily warmth left the vicinity, their distance growing vast again.

The only thing that left stood was Niragi and his antagonising boner that raged underneath the tight grip of his skinny jeans, wanting more.
Practically begging.

This persistent behaviour from Chishiya consisted onwards throughout the day, with the teasing, subtle bodily hints and gestures. He was fully educated that his actions would later be judged to recieve him a brutal form of punishment, but what's the excitement without the element of not knowing what the night shall bring you?

As night fell and they were ordered to go off in their own directions as their duties were lifted for the day, Niragi wasted no-time.
Tailing Chishiya like he was his prey, his primal instincts of power, domination and pure-lust overflowing in his veins.

As the lock of Chishiya's dorm door clicked in anticipation, signalling its unlock. The second the foot was stepped inside of his haven, his world was bursted instantly with the firm grasp of Niragi's bony, long fingers latching a tight lockdown hold on Chishiya's neck, as he kicked the door shut, his eyes filled with a hungrily expression. Pure lust.

Chishiya smirked with anticipation despite the tight and sudden clasp that found it's way obstructing his pipe-way to breath.
His chest heaved aggressively as Niragi's eyes looked darkened and half-lidded as he scouted Chishiya's body in it's entirety before his lips parting, his tonality low, "Such a fucking slut" he growled through gritted teeth, his lips parting for a second time as a string of spit flung it's way to meet it's fate on Chishiya's cheek, slowly gushing down to meet his chin to trickle down his hoodie, "Are you prepared for your Punishment?" He eyed, his eyebrows rose as Chishiya nodded, feeling slightly lightheaded with the lasts of oxygen that circulated his body, Niragi let go of his clutch.

Chishiya's chest heaved aggressively as his obstructed airway kicked into full gear again, his lips parting to gulp heavy intakes of air, nodding to Niragi's question, "Words, Slut" Nirari demanded.

"Y-Yes, Niragi" Chishiya's eyelids fluttered as his eyes were filled with pure innocency as Niragi stated his demand, short and sweet, "strip and get on the bed — now!"

Chishiya sweetly complied with no further argument as he headed over to the bedroom, eagerly stripping down to his bare, smooth skin as he went on all fours on the bed, twirling his hips to 'put on a pleasant show for Niragi', he turned his head to view Niragi whom stood with distance, eyeing his new view, "Like what you see" Chishiya teased as he showed off his elegancy.

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