|| Living in a Game of Hearts? #1 ||

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———ANGST: Mentions of Abuse & SA———

Third person:

Niragi never truly hated Chishya.

More so he admired him on a respectable level of intelligence, that's something both Niragi and Chishiya shared on a significant level.
Was respect of each-others capabilities.

The perception of hate between the two of them was the clash between their egos and personalities. Which always caused a show, which ultimately made them stand out from the crowd.

Niragi and Chishiya shared a lot of similarities, not only in their intelligence - but also in the way their mind's operated at perceiving the world around them.

Loneliness to some would consume the average human.

Whereas for both Chishiya and Niragi they never had anything to begin with. They embraced it, made it their own and ran with it.

Niragi only having abusers.

And Chishiya having no real connections to people, no friends, no relatives or co-workers that he truly connected with.

Maybe in different circumstances the two would of been able to become close, or perhaps even closer than close.

But this was the borderlands, not some magical fairy tail. Attachment in this world was deadly, it was the ultimate Game of Hearts. A game like no other game available to play.
It was a psychological game that messed with your rationality and senses.

Love to them could not exist in this world, it simply wasn't plausible in their minds as a viable option.

Another one of many unspoken rules of which neither spoke upon was past. Their past reflected into what they had formed themselves to become in this second-life. It was a delicate topic that was hidden and barricaded away in the depths of ones mind and heart. Never to be uttered. This was one unspoken rule that many followed, especially Niragi and Chishiya.

Niragi held a lot of unpacked trauma which turned him into the person he became today, a control-freak whom craved power and dominance over people whom were weaker than him. He craved status, he was hungry for self-validation.

Love & happiness doesn't exist.

That's the motto he ran with since day 1.

Until one day, one faithful day changed how they perceived the world as their world's collided together.
Would it be for the better?

Or would it result in the worst?

Niragi was abruptly dropped back down to reality as Aguni snapped the click of his fingers, the sensation of bells ringing pulsated throughout his ear cannel, "Get your head out of the gutter, Niragi" Aguni sighed, slight annoyance rolling off the tongue as he spoke.

Niragi awkwardly sat in place, readjusting himself in his seat.
'What the fuck is wrong with me today?'

They sat in Hatters Office, discussing arrangements for killing more traitors.

Niragi was ordered to exterminate all the traitors from the roof-top, specifically with an M21 (A 7.62 x 51mm Sniper) that they had stored within the gun safe.

"So, Niragi. Are you up for the task?" Hatter turned to look in his direction, Niragi knew full well that this wasn't a question, there was no debating about it. It was a purely Yes or Yes question.

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