|| Submissive Bully ||

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There was an unspoken place hidden away within the beach. It was an underground club - but with a twist.
It wasn't just your usual club.
It was a luxurious private sex club, it was notorious for it's good service and had plenty of  regular customers that came daily for their services. One of the Militants in particular thoroughly enjoyed the club, so much so he would pay it a visit day to day.

This specific Militant was none other than Niragi himself.

One of the co-owners of the establishment was Chishiya, whom identity was kept hidden.
The club had many rules for their private services, one of them being Blindfolds were mandatory.

The same regular customer had booked in that day, early in the morning.

Chishiya was setting the room up, getting the sex-toys, lube, ropes and other equipment ready for his first booking this morning.

Chishiya was in the back office doing some paperwork before he peered up to look at the clock, "8:55am" he muttered to himself before Kuina broke his peaceful working atmosphere, "You do realise there are multiple people working shift today, yet, your always super insistent on providing service to Niragi everytime he books in?" Kuina raised an eyebrow at the blonde-haired male which led him to chuckle, crossing his legs neatly placing one on top of the other,
"You just don't get it Kuina..." he smirked mischievously, "It's fun toying with Niragi..." He spoke, leaving chills down Kuina spine, Chishiya swiftly stood up, walking to the door, peering through the crack to see Niragi walking into the private room he had booked for himself.

"Its time~" Chishiya hummed as he left the office, and waited a couple minutes outside the private booth.

Niragi had come to this club enough time to understand and know of the ground rules.
You were to strip upon entry of the room, laid flat down on the bed and blindfold must be kept on at all times until the session has ended.

And so he did as the rules stated.
He laid flat on the bed, butt-naked and blindfolded. He remained alone in the emptiness of the room before he heard the creeks of the door opening and the familiar footprints he had come accustomed to hearing on the daily.

The down shut and the locks were clicked into place.

"Looks like we meet again handsome~" the familiar voice hummed, Niragi licked his lips, biting down on his lower lip.

Chishiya slowly made his way to the raven-haired man whom laid flat onto the bed and took the time to appreciate the muscular build of the other. Slowly rubbing his fingertips down the chiseled mans core, before slowly moving his head downwards to let his mouth hover, his thick, warm breath slowly hitting the delicate skin of the other which made Niragi shiver with a whimper.

"Thats cute~" Chishiya hummed, laying small kisses down Niragi's stomach, stopping at his waist-line, "Shall we begin, Hottie?"

"Fuck yeah.." Niragi growled in a low tone,

Before Chishiya continued with anymore advancements, he sat himself on the others lap, as he leaned down to grab the others hands, placing them above Niragi's head, tightly holding them in place as he fastened the thickness of the rope around them.

"Now we shall begin" Chishiya claimed as he moved his hips in circular motions grinding his ass on the others very enthusiastic cock, "aren't you needy today hm? Didn't have enough time to satisfy yourself recently?" Chishiya interrogated.

"Mmph...Work's been a lot.." Niragi groaned with the feeling of traction being made with his cock, "What's with the restraints.." Niragi said,

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