|| Jealousy ||

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~ Niragi and Chishiya have had a secret on/off sexual relationship since they had met on the beach (Niragi Top/Chishiya Bottom)~
——Smut!! ;; Bad Language ;; consent/non-consent ;; public-sex ;; Humiliation ;; degrading——

It was certain that Niragi wasn't the jealous type, or so that's what he claimed... Niragi had a chokehold wrapped around Chishiya, classified him as his own personal property.
Chishiya knew this. But he loved a challenge, and he didn't like giving in so easily over someone's dominance.
He liked being at parties and dressing sophisticatedly to entice the women around him — this drove Niragi insane and Chishiya lived for it.

With each given glance Chishiya made, he could see the daggers that shot me down, the taller male sitting in a fit of rage that consumed him.
He didn't even have to give a second glance to feel the wave of pent-up energy in his aura, he could merely sense it.

Chishiya loved pressing his buttons. He loved watching the pent-up anger that would be directly be felt by him later, as his consequences for actions became reality — the wrath of Niragi's jealousy.

Chishiya licked his lips, leaning against a pole, brushing the bangs out of his eyes and smirked to himself thinking of the last time he had pushed Niragi's buttons.
Chishiya was almost obsessive over the feeling.

As Chishiya was lost in thought, a group of young drunken girls approached him.

They all stood chuckling amongst themselves as one swooped in to cheekily press her soft, warming lips on his cheek.

"Ohh~ all of a sudden" he said, confidence merely rolling off of his tongue as if it was nothing as he pulled her in to dance tongues with him. She seemed highly satisfied with the outcome, pulling after an elongated 30 seconds giggling cutely.

Within seconds into that kiss, he could sense without even having to bat a glare another dagger stabbing the side of him.

"Fucking touch him again...I dare you..." Niragi mumbled to himself, he laid his chin on his hands, watching from afar, completely blocking out all surround sound around him.
He was fully invested, like predator stalking prey.

Chishiya began to laugh at the girl's joke, .

As Chishiya continued to flirt, he suddenly felt the presence of a familiar hand tightly wrap it's way around his waist, smooth.

Chishiya downed his final shot, as he stated with a slur to his voice, "Seems like my entertainment for you guys tonight has to be cut short~" he hummed, with a smile that followed with a wave, dismissing the group of ladies whom murmured amongst themselves, as a few words could be heard, "he's so hot..." one of the girls spoke.

Niragi, sitting himself down at the bar, ordering himself a Sake, "Have you forgotten your place?" He said calmly, swirling the drink in his hand.

"No. But I do find it amusing to mess with you" he said smugly, "maybe a little too much"

Niragi downed his drink in one long gulp, before slamming his glass down on the table.
"Seems like last night wasn't enough of a lesson for you..." Niragi leaned over the table, exposing his tongue wildly swinging and swirling it around his mouth.

Chishiya could feel the butterflies forming in his stomach, hearing Niragi's deep, rash tone. He meant business.

However, it wasn't the business that he was anticipating.

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