|| Irredeemable or Broken? #2 ||

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~Part 2 of 3~
-18+ Mature-
-Mentions of bullying/rape-

"Oh? Nothing...I just know I'm going to have fun" Chishiya smirked, he had already mentally prepared for the eventuality of this happening the second he knew the game type so he had a line of questions awaiting for Niragi...

Niragi raised an eyebrow as he sat down with his head held in the palm of his head looking at Chishiya with a bored expression, "Let's get this over with so we can go back...2 seconds in and I am already bored out of my mind" he said restlessly.

"Hmm...Truth or Dare?"
Chishiya asked with his smug expression, he was excited to hopefully gain a slight bit of insight on Niragi as a person and knowing he cannot lie is all part of his fun.

"Truth, why not" Niragi shrugs. He didn't seem hesitant nor did he seem too anxious to head straight into the depths of the game. Yet, his whole demeanour changed once Chishiya's mouth started moving...

"What is your most terrible memory?" Chishiya asks, staring intently to monitor the other's movements.

Niragi shifted awkwardly in his seated position, with a forced chuckle that edged out of his mouth, "Starting it personal, huh?"

With a moment of silence, Niragi's lips parted after he had sat and thought about the question deeply, "I— uh..." Niragi stammered before inhaling deeply, gathering his words, "Everyday, after my lecture's there would be a group of guys around our age that would beat me til my face was unrecognisable...Til I couldn't even stand on my own two feet, degrading me, belittling me. Just any means whatsoever to make me look pathetic, but it's whatever..."

Niragi's eyes casted away from Chishiya resting to look at his hands that lay on his lap his eyes glazed with a glistening tint of tear that latched onto his tear-duct, it seemed Chishiya had hit a vital point already,
Niragi sighed, "Truth or Dare" he asked in a mutter, hardly audible.  Trying to break the silence.

Chishiya was gobsmacked momentarily. He didn't realise such a confident, handsome guy would have experienced such a thing. He always believed Niragi was your casual stuck-up douchebag, but maybe that wasn't the case, and his actions maybe did have reasoning behind them...

"I'll go with a truth aswell" Chishiya said to lighten the tension.

"Do you believe in redemption?" Niragi questioned, it was something deep down he knew he wanted to ask. Purely to the fact to have some insight on the topic on how Chishiya perceived it.
He knew over the course of being an executive on the Beach he's made some rash decisions and majorly questionable choices if that, but, he knew it wasn't the true him.
He felt like for a long time he had lost himself, been consumed by this wave of uncontrollable rage and pain. And that portrayed itself with how he enacted.

Chishiya hummed in though as his throat purred in a low tone as he ponded on the question thoroughly before answering.
His lips slowly began to part, as he looked at Niragi "Depending on the severity of the situation and on the person entirely. But, generally I believe anyone with the right state of mind and capacity is able to redeem themselves from past to recent mistakes. It's the whole process of learning and conquering life"

"Makes sense..." Niragi slightly nodded in agreement, "But, before we continue—anything disclosed in this game isn't to be said to anyone, else I'll make you pay for disclosing personal information— got it?" Niragi's eyes spoke depths, they showed fear yet his whole body presented itself in a dominant stance, edging forward to loom over Chishiya, the warmth of his breath hitting the outter-shell of Chishiya's ear making him shudder slightly.

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