|| You WILL be Mine ||

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• Yandere Niragi •
|| short-fic ||
" I'm just so in love with you. "

" I've been beaten and bruised beyond recognition but nothing hurt more than seeing your finger-tips elegantly tracing her face "

Niragi's POV:
No day was different.
My head was filled with the thought of him.
There was no escape from such thoughts.
My body filled with pent-up frustration.
It was torture seeing him toy with girls.
Whilst all I ever wanted to do was toy with him, put him in his place and show him what true domination was.
I was completely lost with the thought of him that nothing else quite seemed to matter in the world revolving around me as I delve into my delusions.
I wanted to love on him and be in love with him.
Was that too much to ask for?
It's true, I did truly believe love didn't exist, nor did I believe it was a bright idea — not in a world like this, love was asking for a death sentence and anyone whom took that chance was stupid.
Or so I thought.
All my thoughts seemed to fade the second I saw him enter the lobby, locating himself on the other side.
The distance was vast.
I wanted to be closer.
Our hot breath colliding,
Our tongues thrashing deep within each-other's throats as we battled to be on top.
I wanted someone to hold me,
To tell me everything will be okay.
I wanted to be good enough for Chishiya.

I didn't like being portrayed as a sociopath, I feel too. It's always been a struggle and misconception of mine.
These feelings I feel are true.

I want him to notice me, to acknowledge my existence. To openly accept my feelings with open-arms.

Was I asking too much? Truly?

None of this mattered.
Nonetheless HE WOULD BE MINE.
Chishiya's POV:
The second I entered the lobby I felt the vulture's eyes looming over my each step, I didn't even have to raise a glance to be able to sense the eye's which locked onto me like I was prey awaiting his pounce.
In all honesty, I just found it fun to toy with the man.
I'd happily accept and take any punishment which came my way for messing with the wrong person.
There was an energy to Niragi that made him stand-out from the rest, this aura, aroma.
It was addictive. Truly his secret weapon.
Yet, I enjoyed not feeding into such things.
I much preferred enticing the girls, playing hard to get.

"Hello there~" I hummed, gazing at one of the girls, leaning against one of the pillars within the lobby.
And this is where it starts.
One simple sentence with charms sends the girls wild.

One sentence lead to multiple, back and forth.
My hand softly stroking the bangs out of her eyes, locking intensely as our lips met for a brief moment.
It was magical, and the adrenaline booster of staring eyes made it even better.
I moved away, licking my lips with a smug smirk forming on my lips.
Niragi's POV:
I was going to kill that bitch if it was the death of me.
No one got in the way of my Chishiya, no one.
He is reserved for me and me only.
As I saw Chishiya make his exit out of the lobby, he made the poor mistake of leaving the girl alone.
I stalked my prey.
She led herself into a quiet hallway that was excluded away from the Beach commotion and I pounced.
The precisely honed edge of my knife piercing nicely through her silky smooth skin.

With this mission finally completed, I picked up the body Bridal style and moved it to the dumping ground, leaving her gorgeously shaped body to rot with the rest of the bitches that tried to interfere with his path of love.

Chishiya's POV:
"Seems like someone's blood-thirsty" I stated calmly, my hands nicely tucked into my pockets as I swiftly analysed Niragi's body.
"What?" Niragi swiftly spoke, seemingly shocked with my appearance.
"That girl. Why kill her? You do realise that I had no actual interest in the lady" I chuckled confidently, locking eyes with the ravenous man.
Niragi just looked confused, knots forming in his throat — he was smart, but not smart enough to come up with a valid excuse of sacrificing a life in front of me. He knew I was smart and analytical.

"You are mine" Niragi stated, his pitch dark in tone, his eyes expressing his seriousness to the claim.
Our bodies slowly became intact with one another, "I will show you what ownership is"

"That's a hasty way of putting it" I jokingly stated before I felt the teeth of the ravenous man slowly skin into my soft skin leaving a mark of faded purple which caused a groan to form out of my parted lips, my breathe was immediately taken away.
This is how I knew it was serious.

"You make me crazy, I long for you. I need you" Niragi said, his hands tangling themselves in the depths of my blonde strands.
I had no further comments to press forward in response to his claims.
More than anything I was curious to see the depths of such things so I allowed what happened to happen as our faces soon pulled closely to each-other, our lips nicely meeting in the middle forming our tongues to collide.
His mouth leaving the presence of mine to scatter more teeth-bitten plump marks around my neck, the exposure of them showed to prove a point.

Niragi wasted no time with advancements, he wanted his points proven and worked to make them known.
'Maybe being protected by a psycho-maniac whom is deeply in love with you in a world like this wasn't all too bad'
Was my thought processes.

Author's note:
Thanks so much for reading thus far, I thought i'd experiment with doing something slightly more different, I hope it was enjoyable as a read.

Might do a part 2 for this!

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