|| Drowning Silently #2 ||

101 4 1

• Angst ; Fluff •
——'Will you Save me?'——

Admittedly, the last person he expected to see at his front-door step was to be Niragi.
He was stunned, opening up the door to be stood face to face with the taller-male.

Chishiya's eyes widened, he was in an instant state of fight or flight mode. But instead of acting on instinct, his body stood at a stand-still, frozen in time as the taller, raven-haired male hovered over his presence.

"How did you know?" The question hit like a set of knives each individual word stabbing into the depths of his heart, one by one reopening slowly closing wounds.

"So?" Niragi pushed for an answer, their bodies becoming alarmingly close as Chishiya stayed in his paralysed state.
It wasn't something he had mentally prepared for, he was experiencing mixed emotions and didn't know how to react or act in such a circumstance given their current terms.

He craved physical attention.
To be held.
To be appreciated and to be shown he is worthy of the love from his admired previous lover.

He just wanted everything to be okay, but given the current circumstances he knew that his wishes were merely impossible, yet his mind desperately clung onto the small possibility for his own mental stability.

"I went to the coffee shop..." Chishiya inhaled harshly, trying to avoid eye-contact, he didn't want to get lost into the other's eyes and get instantly drawn in by his presence, not again... "Just to get into a better state of mind, but, that ended up accidentally running into you" Chishiya explained, his voice strained with uncertainty as he was on the verge of crying all over again. Yet, he didn't want to expose himself like that, not right now. Or ever.

He couldn't trust Niragi, not again.
He knew that.
Yet, he still wanted too. He was still in love with him no matter how much he tried to run away and suppress his emotions regarding their situationship.

It was a hard pill to swallow.

"I can explain" a soft, somewhat reassuring tone came from the taller male, as his hand raised to touch Chishiya's hip. Chishiya harshly rejected any form of affection via physical touch, slapping his hand harshly away, his lower lip quivering furiously under his firm grip of his teeth that sank deeply into the skin.

"I promise it's not how it seems" he reasurred, trying to gain distance again, this time with more force to it. It seemed his patience was wearing thinly today, as he cornered Chishiya to a corner were he couldn't run away no longer, "talk to me" Niragi spoke sternly, his voice deepened as he held Chishiya chin to expose his tear-stained rosy cheeks.

"Why should I give you the chance! You left me! What's your fucking problem with me, I'm not your stupid toy!" Chishiya gulped down the hard pill, as more tears uncontrollably streamed down his face.

"Past you would beg to differ" Niragi jokingly stated, licking his lips suggestively nit-picking at Chishiya's comment.
Chishiya became flustered by the sudden comment, as he got the urge to run away, his emotions become more harder to swallow down and control in a reasonable manner, "fuck you" he stomached to say with confidence, pure anger consuming his body, "How could you say such a thing. Leaving me for a beautiful woman, using me for your own exploration of yourself. Get out of my fucking house!"

That was the end of their discussion, Chishiya pressed his foot on the gasoline and things escalated rapidly. Chishiya's hand pushed Niragi to the ground, which caused a loud grunt of immediate pain to escape the other's lip.
Soon after, for a second time. Niragi had left his life, and he never truly got the explanation that Chishiya had hoped for.

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