|| Praise me, please ||

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• SMUT •
AU: Niragi and Chishiya are apart of a boy band whom specialises in pop music. They often work together learning choreography for their performances.


Chishiya was nervous.
Today was his big day, the day to impress his group with his new choreography that he had formed by himself to go with their new song for an album.
He had video-taped it beforehand earlier on in the day and the tape was sat anxiously waiting to be played on the TV presented in-front of them all.

Out of everyone whom he could impress in that room, he longed to impress his elder, Niragi.
A taller male whom had long, black hair which he tied neatly in a half-bun.
He wore silver jewellery along with facial piercings.
Niragi was purely mesmerising, every singular feature was gorgeous and had Chishiya buckling to his knees.

The elder never truly showed much interest with Chishiya. Over the course of the years they had worked together in this small town building a name together as a group, Chishiya had longed for the attention of his elder. He wanted praise, acknowledgment.

He hoped this choreography tape would prove to be the day where he was able to make Niragi proud of him.

Niragi was the lead-vocalist of their group, he was the one whom stood from out of the depths of the sofa to put the tape into the TV, thus beginning the playing the choreography.

As Niragi sat down both Chishiya and Niragi's kneecaps joined together to meet in the middle, contact. Chishiya's body ceased up, heat fastly flushing throughout his body.  Chishiya would always over-analyse the simplistic things like these.

The video began to play in it's full entirety, Chishiya's body began to flow perfectly within the video in time with the music, flourishing into something truly beautiful as his vocals reached harmonising ranges that caught the ear nicely.

It was a powerful statement, the song symbolised love.
The goodness of love.

"Wooo~ Go Chishiya, so hot!" Arisu hummed.

"Thanks..." Chishiya mumbled with a faint smile, redness tinted on his cheeks, as his eyes diverted to peer at Niragi again, awaiting for his body to change in demeanour yet it never did. He just sat in deep thought, his eyes locked into the screen. No comments, no praise. No nothing.

By the end of the video, the tape stopped playing and ejected from the slot.

"So so good Chishiyaaa~" Shota hummed.

Chishiya's demeanour diminished into nothing as no praises came out of the words of his elder colleague. This came to a halting crash of his heart as it practically dropped to the pits of his stomach.

He had, had a raging crush on Niragi for the longest time. He yearned for praise, for acknowledgement from him.
He was fed-up of the lack of such things from Niragi and was going to push for his answers today.

Chishiya was shy, he was much smaller in size compared to Niragi and was very insecure to himself. Praise was his stability to keep himself from overthinking his choreographies and vocals.
Niragi being the lead, it was important for him to get into his head — regardless of emotional feelings.

As the group dissipated to their rooms for the evening, Niragi had made his way into the kitchen area to grab a potential snack before heading off to bed for the evening.
This is where Chishiya spied his chances.
Chishiya made his way into the shared area, grabbing the elder's attention via the grasp of his wrist.

"Whats up Shiya?" Niragi said, voice low and raspy.

"Why didn't you say anything about my Choreography?" Chishiya frowned, his eyebrows furrowing to show displeasure in the elder.

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