|| Room-mates ||

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~ • SMUT • ~

Niragi woke to the peacefulness of droplets of water hitting elegantly on the shower-room floor.
His groans of irritation echoed across the hollow room due to the non-expectancy of waking so early hit him as the sun peered on the horizon clipping an early dawn to a new day. He laid rubbing the gritty substance from the ducts of his eyes before slowly picking himself up from underneath to sit up, resting his head on the headboard of his singular bed.

The peacefulness of the room came to a crashing halt as the elegant droplets stopped, the bathroom door sliding open hastily.
A fog of mist appeared from behind Chishiya.
His body glistened nicely with the natural lighting of the sun gleaming through the blinds of their bedroom window.
His hips were carved beautifully,
His figure sculpted to perfection.
Each curve and dip blended perfectly together to make the crafts of a masterpiece.


Niragi's eyes stared, analysing the man in his entirety that was on show for him to see.
"Anyone ever taught you that staring is rude?" Chishiya rudely stated, his voice raspy and firm.
"I'd watch what comes out of that filthy mouth of yours Shiya" Niragi growled lowly, slowly picking himself up from the bed making their once long distance shorter.
Their bodies inches apart from one another.
"Or what?" Chishiya confidently pressed to the taller ravenous-male.

For the first time in the entirety of the year of sharing accommodation together he saw a different light to Niragi. He went silent.
He didn't press further to counter-argue with Chishiya's boldness.
He left the scene with a ever-growing boner in his boxers, clearly embarrassed as he slumped himself to rot in bed, "Don't fucking test me" he mumbled inaudibly into the depths of his covers.


As hours turned to days, Chishiya could sense a change in the ravenous-mans demeanour since that morning encounter. He seemed colder and distant.
No words were passed since that day and tensions within the hotel-room grew rapidly awkward.

Since sharing accommodation together, privacy was not a thing that was accessible for them. So they were always up in each-other's environments.
Everything was on display at all times.
Seems like Niragi had forgotten such things, as when Chishiya walked through the door of their shared-accommodation, he was met with the taller male towering over a gorgeous younger woman with lust filled eyes.

This made the awkward tensions rise, the woman swiftly left upon his entry into their complex.
Niragi furious, eyebrow twitching.

"Well shit, my bad~" Chishiya teased with a low chuckle.


That same night, Chishiya had struggled to sleep.
For some reason, his body naturally woke him up in the earlier hours of the morning, Chishiya tossed and turned in desperate attempts to sleep before he froze to the hearing of faint moans?

There was only one place in which an audio like that could come from and that was Niragi.
Light slowly filled the room as Chishiya leaned toward his bed-side table to turn on the light to broaden his vision.
Strange Niragi is asleep.
The muffling of moans hitting his pillow became more consistent with the utter of mumbled words that were inaudible to the ear capability.
Chishiya decided to go take a closer inspection — Niragi was indeeed having a dirty dream.
Seems like his irritability, frustration and unusual behaviour all came down to his cock being unsatisfied and the fuel to that pent-up rage flowing in his boxers all related back to Chishiya.

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