|| Freak like me ||

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—Warning - Smut ;; Cursing ;; KnifePlay ;; Gagging ;; orgasm denial ;;
Niragi (Subby Brat)/Chishiya (Dom)—

On this particular day at the Beach, Chishiya and Niragi along with a select few of the other Executives had been called into Hatter's office to discuss the Gathering of more Materials for the Beach.

Upon entry, Chishiya eyes squinted, quickly scanned the room to check to see whom was participating and noticed the none arrival of Niragi, "Strange.." he murmured to himself, hands nicely tucked in the pockets of his swim-shorts.
He lazily leant against the door pillar, allowing his whole body to push into it's frame, before sighing.

"Chishiya?" Hatter called.

"Yes sir" Chishiya bluntly replied, already bored out of his mind.

"Go get Niragi's ass here" Hatter commanded.

And off Chishiya went.
Yet again on another side-quest.
This time to go find the raven-haired man.

Chishiya presumed at this hour in the morning the most plausible place to find Niragi was in bed. So he enthusiastically strove to the other's front door, as he was about to abruptly beat his door down until...

"Chi-shiya.." he heard Niragi whimper between desperate grasps of air as he pumped up and down on his cock hard, biting his lip through whimpers, the echoes of his ballsack slapping between his thighs fluctuated throughout the room, all of which could be heard outside of the door, upon a further attempt to invade of course, as Chishiya's ear laid rest on the door to listen closely.

Chishiya's lips began to curl upwards hearing such a thing, a look of mischief infectiously spreading throughout his body as he lightly whispered to himself, "Maybe it was worth the visitation this morning..."

With feeling the overwhelming satisfaction coursing throughout his body, he slowly picked himself up from the door and trotted back along to the Meeting Room before Niragi noticed his presence.

Again, entering the Meeting Room for a second time, hands nicely rested in their allocated pockets and him placing himself comfortably within his designated chair which was appointed to him.

"Where's Niragi" Hatter insisted on knowing, "The meeting cannot begin without his presence"

"Don't worry Hatter, he will be here momentarily", he stated calmly, his face showing neutrality and pure innocence.

As the flash of light, swiftly within seconds of Chishiya's last spoken words, the man himself, Niragi makes his bold entry into the room.
Hair fallen to strands, with an incomplete messy bun, small trickles of sweat rolling down the creases of his forehead with his shirt partly tucked into his Jeans.

He glared around the room, before meeting eyes with Chishiya just to give an abrupt snicker, diverting his eye contact away as he slung himself across the table, AK-47 precisely laid out on the table.

"What's on the cards today then" Niragi asks curiously as his swept the loose strands of black hair out of his peripheral vision.  

"Today Chishiya and Niragi will be partnered together to go and gather basic supplies for the Beach. Food, Batteries, merely anything that could be useful for the Beaches operation" Hatter calmly asked of the two of them.

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