|| Drowning Silently #1 ||

151 3 3

——Will U Save Me?——
• Angst ; Fluff •
As a pre-warning, this chapter will most likely reference depression, distorted self-image and worthlessness.
So, I'd just tread with caution.
OOC — Pre-borderlands —

Chishiya and Niragi go through a temporary break-up, Niragi is a known heart-breaker/player in this book. Chishiya descends into a turmoil of emotions.


"I'll never leave you"
The words rolled off of his tongue with such delicacy, his confidence was hypnotic, whilst his hands were soothing, silencing each individual worrisome thought away that escaped my quivering thin lips.

If only I wasn't so stupid to fall into the intoxication of his loving touch.

Introduction: Relationships.
Chishiya's POV:
It begins with the feeling of bursts of serotonin that course throughout my veins rushing throughout the entirety of my body, experiencing a heightened sense of euphoria.Until, paranoia looms over my head wishing me a death sentence with the unprecedented levels of anxiety that eat me from the inside out. All I wanted was reassurance to put me to sleep at night, but the silence of your treatment left me manifesting thoughts deep within the depths of my mind.

Thus begins the never ending spiral.

Grab my hand, I'm drowning,
Why haven't you found me yet?

You were like a fever dream to me,
If it seems too good to be true, it most likely is, right?

(No-one's POV):

Chishiya's heart pounded in his chest, each beat echoing in his ears. Tears welled up in his eyes, blurring his vision as he struggled to catch his breath. The weight of the news crashed down on him, engulfing him in a wave of overwhelming sadness. His body trembling uncontrollably as he tried to make sense of it all. The room felt suffocating, the walls closing in on him, as he grappled with the despair that threatened to consume him from the inside out.

"I'm leaving" was Niragi's final words.
Nothing more; nothing less.

Those words, so simple yet so complicated. That was the beginning of the end for Chishiya, his world slowly burned into unidentifiable ashes as his heart weeped at the loss.
His world seemed to have ended in that moment, along with his reasonings to continue on with his life.

Seems drastic, right?
Not for him, his emotions played games with his mind, the depth of feeling was immense.
'You're unlovable', played on his mind over & over.
His mind was a steel-trap.


Endless nights after the event of Niragi departing from his life was spent wept into the depths of his pillow, imaging a life with Niragi that simply wasn't possible — yet he clung onto the little hope that he had left, the pure imaginations making it the more real to pursue the dream of his.

Thoughts ran his mind, overcompensating for the loss of sleep with the desire to come to a conclusive end to it all, but no matter how long and hard he thought about it.
None of it seemed to add up.

That is, until the day came.
That one fateful day, that would shatter and break his heart all over again.
This time crushing his soul.

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