|| The Scars That Bound Us Together #3 ||

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"I know who you are"

The voice was anonymous, indistinguishable, and automated.

Niragi's face was stricken trying to comprehend the words spoken to him.

I know who you are?
The fuck is that meant to mean?

Niragi once again unlocked his phone, entering the phone application, and staring at the unknown caller ID card that showed from the previous call.

"What was that?" Chishiya asked, a look of curiosity painted his face.

"Some punk-ass bitch trying to play games with me" Niragi said coldly, tossing his phone to a neighbouring cushion before regaining his sweatpants, stepping into them with ease.

"What they say?" Chishiya decided to probe some more.

"Not much— only 'I know who you are', the fuck is that meant to mean? What are they implying with that" Niragi said, the sweat that once beaded nicely along his forehead slowly began to trickle downwards along his mottled scars, snow slowly collecting on the rims of the window neighbouring the couch.

"Not surprised. You do stick out amongst the crowd, someone's ought to recognise you — besides your face is plastered all over Japanese Media" Chishiya jokingly implied, implied as such due to his scarring that held itself together tightly against the sides of his face, "What are you going to do?"

Niragi scoffed, "Kill the bastard— that's what I'm going to fucking do. No one fucks with me, if they truly knew who I was they wouldn't dare mess with me in the first place"


Two days later....

Later that evening after a long train-ride after bar-hopping, he had finally arrived back home at his apartment, which was housed in a sketchier part of town, hidden amongst towers of buildings that neighboured nearby.

Niragi's brain was running simultaneously.
Seething, plotting, calculating and preparing.

That one night stand didn't help kill his nerves.
His scars itch.

As he steps through the door, he's greeted by the familiar chaos of his surroundings. The peeling wallpaper, the flickering lightbulb, and the creaky floorboards.

He mentally critiqued Chishiya for his living conditions, but, the reality is he was in no way in a better position than him.

Niragi, lost in his thoughts, started to feel overwhelmed by the details — very minuscule, yet the words 'I know who you are' sent him into a spiral for days. If anything he'd feel like he was going crazy.

He tried to ignore it, concluding it that maybe it was some hoax call - bogus.
Yet, the words clung to him.

But then, in a moment of clarity, it all clicks.

There's a reason Niragi was a diamond's player

As he dashes across the creaky floorboards, his excitement fills the air. He bursts into his bedroom, rummaging through the cluttered space, searching for his laptop.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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