|| The Scars That Bound Us Together #2 ||

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- Author's Note: Make sure to pay attention to the minor details that's mentioned nearer the start of the story, it'll be a hint as to what's to progress -

Chishiya pushed himself away from Niragi, the once hot warmth enloping his lobe, delicately caressing his piercing lost connection as Chishiya grumbled, picking up a plate, "If this food's cold now I'm blaming you, dumbass"

Niragi scoffed in offence as he made his way back into the living room, hogging the spot that overlooked the city from above, opening the window slowly to allow a steady cold breeze into the apartment.

Digging into the depths of his pockets from the discarded Jeans on the floor, he was able to acquire his packet of cigarettes along with his lighter after some deep rummaging.

Niragi positioned himself sat on the edge of the sofa, his fingers gracefully holding a cigarette. With a flick of a lighter, a small flame dances to life, illuminating his face contouring his scars beautifully  for a brief moment, a tinge of amber reflecting them.

Niragi slowly bought the flame closer to the tip of the cigarette, the glow reflecting in his eyes. As he takes a slow, deliberate inhale, a thin wisp of smoke curls from his lips, creating an ethereal trail in the air. Niragi exhaled slowly, releasing the smoke into the atmosphere, as if exhaling his worries and troubles.

In that moment, there's a certain elegance and mystique, a captivating sight amidst the vibrant chaos of the city that lay beneath them, Chishiya obviously captivated by the sheer beauty that illuminated.

After the brief moments of captivity, Chishiya was bought back down with a smack, facing reality.

He had been caught staring, basking in the moment.

"It's rude to stare ya'know" Niragi said with simple directness, a smirk slowly forming to contour his face.

"You really think I'm staring at you? Your ego is seemingly high tonight, I can't stand looking at you" Chishiya directed back, rolling his eyes in dissmissal.
Before, slowly reaching forward in a measly attempt to regain the abandoned TV remote from afar.
Turning the TV on to show the live podcasting of the news.

"Yeah? Well I can barely hold back my puke whilst looking at—" Niragi was cut off with the overly dramatised music that was pounding in his eardrums from the TV, his face scrunching up unpleasantly,  "Jesus Shiya, turn that shit down!"

Chishiya took no interest in what Niragi had to say, seemingly more engaged with the recent reports being published, "Hey! Did you fucking hear me?" Niragi snickered, throwing his dying end out of the window before leaning over to clasp his clutch around Chishiya's collar, before he could muster anymore words to spill out of his mouth he was rudely interrupted by the news reporter whom due to Chishiya's obnoxiously loud TV he was forced to listen to.

'New reports have just come out!' An announcer on the TV stated, their words hurried their face displaying only shock as the life was slowly drained out of them, 'New news has come out regarding a new drug: 'Crushed Border', this drug is still unknown, a newly discovered substance that supposedly brainwashes it's user — keep tuned for more information'

"Interesting" Chishiya smirks, licking at the corner of his mouth as he slowly tilted his head to look up at the seething Niragi that didn't take liking to being ignored, however his gaze changed, face glistening in the blue light of the TV, seemingly taking an interest in the recent incident, "Crushed Borders sounds very specific, dont'cha think?"

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