|| The meeting ||

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———SMUT warning———
Niragi and Chishiya were called in for an urgent meeting that was hosted by none other than hatter himself. It was the classic discussion of traitors, what signs to look out for and how to execute them for hindering operation Hatter.

"Today is a very important day, as not only am I updating you all on the most recent rules and regulations on how to effectively get rid of the traitors" Hatter dramatically stood up and turned around to show a whiteboard with all-sorts manically written all-over it, "I would like to show you all evidence that has been gathered of the most recent Traitors that has been given to us by the wonderful help of our intelligence team, thanks Ann and Kuina" Hatter pointed at them both and smiled.

Niragi and Chishiya sat next to each-other during this specific meeting, a very risky placement if you asked anyone.
Niragi huffed, throwing his head back on the chair and shifting his position to be slouched, "It's only been 3 minutes and this is already dragging...Can you tell me who to kill so I can go do my damn job already" Niragi sighed as the Hatter disregarded what he said completely, as Chishiya decided to plant his little word for thought into Niragi's cry for absence, "Maybe your bored because your brain isn't capable of processing so much informational content that is beyond your grade level" Chishiya calmly said, smiling.
Those words cut deeply into Niragi, definitely triggering a nerve, "I'd watch what you say to me, Bitch-face" Niragi glared in his direction, aiming the barrel of his beloved AK-47 at chishiya's chin.
Chishiya let out a light-hearted chuckle, "Aww, looks like I hit a nerve" Niragi just huffed, placing his AK-47 down across his lap as everyones eyes laid on him, a lot of them finding it amusing, either laughing or chuckling.

As the meeting continued onwards, the words of Chishiya clung onto Niragi. His voice echoed inside of his mind, sending Niragi into a spiral of deep rage. He needed some sort of revenge to settle the cost of such an embarrassment in-front of everybody, but was uncertain as to what he could exactly do.

Until the realisation hit, "you're going to regret embarrassing me in-front of the higher-ups" Niragi whispered into Chishiya's ear, giving him a chilling look that shot daggers,

Chishiya just laughed, "You're all talk, Niragi. Just face it" he said unfazed by Niragi usual threatening actions.

Chishiya was taken out by the sudden surprise of feeling Niragi steadily placing his hand onto Chishiya's thigh, placing a firm grip onto the area. This caught Chishiya by surprise, breaking his usual calm demeanour. Chishiya tried to pay no attention to such behaviour and averted his line of vision back onto Hatter.

This plan would be Chishiya's ultimate downfall, as ignoring the behaviour caused Niragi to swiftly yet delicately move his hand upwards until Niragi was met with Chishiya's crotch.
Niragi wasted no time on savouring any moments, he quickly started to rub his hand up and down firmly against Chishiya's cock, which caused Chishiya to make a very faint muffled down which he disguised as a cough.

Chishiya looked over to Niragi, making eye-contact for the first time since their argument, his eyes screamimg 'what the fuck are you doing, are you insane?!' Yet this didn't stop Niragi from gaining his ultimate satisfaction purely for revenge purposes.

Niragi could feel chishiya's cock through the thinness of his swimming trunks. It felt willing to his touch as chishiya's growing erection began to show through with each stroke.

Chishiya positioned himself, tucking his chair more underneath the table, crossing his legs and resting his mouth on his hand to hide his growing hot hue that spread like wildfire across his face.

Hatter continued on with his tangent about the playing cards, "we still need to find the phase cards, that will be our top priority. Along with exterminating all traitors that present themselves to us", Hatter added, showing the vast selection of cards he held in his hand, "The traitors shown on this board tried to interfere with our operation, stealing the playing cards that are held within our possession which is above all illegal and unlawful at the beach! They are to be exterminated immediately and effectively!" Hatter exclaimed in a loud statement, showing his contempt for the law that he had placed amongst the people.

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