|| My Bundle Of Cuteness ||

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"I promise it'll never happen again, my love"

TW: Mentions of R@pe.

Saviour Niragi🩵

• Fluff - The Borderlands •

Everyday the same occurrence would happen and it would really grind Chishiya's gears and get him flustered.
The raven-haired man used to always loved to bully the blonde for many things, but one thing that used to always be on his list of: "Top things to bully Chishiya for" would most certainly be his height, which Chishiya had always been insecure about.

Whenever Niragi had an opportunity he would strike, never missing the chance. If it was there, present and available he would most certainly go for it with no remorse, that was Niragi's character.

And supposedly, his love language was bullying.
He would always make cold remarks to everybody, but there was specifics that he would do to Chishiya that would differentiate himself from everybody else.

Niragi had a love for towering over the other, holding eye-contact and simply booping his nose.

It was a stupid gesture, very stupid.
But, it was Niragi's thing that Chishiya quickly learned to endure and accept because no amount of effort would make Niragi stop.


They had, had an encounter earlier on that day.
It was hard to place a word on it, but it surely was interesting. It didn't matter where they were, Niragi would always have to stop and appreciate Chishiya, despite his lack of experience in wordings.

"You're so charming when you finally decide to make an effort" Niragi smirked, closing in on their distance, slowly walking forward as Chishiya's back cowarded away, backing up into the wall behind him. They had a silent staring contest for awhile, holding intense eye-contact. Even in such dim lighitng Chishiya's opec eyes glistened beautifully, bringing out the pure innocency behind such the smug look he typically wore.

"That's not the ugliest shirt i've seen you wear" Chishiya calmly said back with a straight face as he finally mustered up the courage to dig at him back, sinking into the depths on Niragi's eyes, before his nose began scrunching up as Niragi booped him on the nose.

Niragi chuckled lowly picked himself up from towering over Chishiya, flinging his AK-47 back up to his shoulder before walking away into the depths of the corridor, Chishiya watched him from a distance.

His heart was beating erratically in his chest as his cheeks turned a red colour, he didn't know what this feeling was. But, it was surely ecstatic.
It was a feeling like no other.
No doubt, they had a weird relationship, one that wasn't comparable by any others at the Beach. It was unique and special to them.

Chishiya caught onto this, wondering why did Niragi be so nice to him?
Or nice in terms of Niragi.
If anyone else dared to stand on his turf or say such things back he wouldn't hesitate to blow their head off, so it was surely confusing. Along with this feeling in his chest, the giddiness of happiness when Niragi paid notice to him even if it was only for a backhanded compliment.

It was all making his brain fogged with confusion.

He concluded a walk would be beneficial in his current state, so he picked himself up from the wall his back was leaning on and made his way to the courtyard.

Upon arrival to the courtyard, earphones in their usual placement in his ears listening to pianists play harmonies in his ears. Listening to pianists wasn't usually his go-to type in music, but listening to the melodies chime in his ears as he breathed in the purity of the fresh air along with the soothing surroundings around him away from the madness and chaotic storm of the beach was relieving.

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