|| Go Hoe or Go Home ||

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Either shot it or expose it.
Everyone is a victim to exposure in this game.
Rivalry collides, as the simplicities of a fun drinking game turns into a brawl of words.

(Maturer Audience — featuring swearing, sexually-explicit jokes, alcohol/game, smut scene).


They huddled in a circle upon the Roof Top of the Hotel Suite on the Beach.
A small group of people huddled around a fire place, a small mountain of different varying drinks on display to be seen. It was a bewildering amount.

"Is all this drink really necessary for a measly celebration" Chishiya sighed.

"It's more than necessary!" Kuina exclaimed, as she laid down the final touches being a deck of cards? And enough shot glasses to cater to their small group.

"And what's the need for those cards?" Chishiya asked, his mind filled with curiosity.

"Oh these?" Kuina questioned, picking up the deck that read 'go hoe or go home' on the back of the card, "these cards will be our playing cards for tonight, we each take turns. Drawing a card, reading what it says to the group and either doing what it says or taking a shot if you prefer not to do the quest it gives you" Kuina smiled, seemingly enthusiastic about tonight.

They all huddled together around the fire.
Niragi, Kuina, Tatta, Last Boss, Usagi, Ann and Arisu.
All until the mood dulled down a bit, as Niragi made his grand entrance onto his stage, "why hello" the mysterious man within the shadows came to light, his piercing's glistening in the amber lighting from the fire, "what do you want Niragi?" Kuina stated defensively with a pout of disappointment.

"Oh nothing much..." Niragi grinned, seeing their little party shenanigans, "I saw a mass group of people making their way up to the roof-top. Of course it's my duty to make sure you aren't conspiring to kill us — or something like that" Niragi stated, as he rudely invited himself into the circle, waving his tongue piercing in Chishiya's direction, causing him to smirk.

"Since when did we say you were invited, Niragi?" Kuina sighed.

"I invited myself, self-invitation" Niragi calmly replied back, with a smug look on his face.

"Fine. Don't be weird" Kuina warned shooting a glare as she passed around the circle one shot-glass per person, before handing them one card each, "We will go in turns to flip our cards — one at a time only" Kuina stated.

"Well, whose to go first?" Arisu questioned.

"I'll go" Chishiya calmly stated, flipping his card.
The thrill of games like these is what kept his serotonin levels at an extreme high, and he completely lived for it.

Ah, shit. Lucks not on my side.

Chishiya present his card to the group, before saying, "Fake an orgasm or drink a shot" he stated, before everyone laughed, Niragi laughing the hardest out of all of them, tears welling in his ducts finding it amusing.

"Well, are you gonna?" Arisu pressed, Chishiya tilted his head slightly to look at the card for a second time calculating his options.

"Hmmm" Chishiya pondered to himself.

"Fuck no he ain't, pussy" Niragi wheezed from the shortness of breath.

Thanks to Niragi, Chishiya had concluded his final decision, "I'll do it" he said simply passing the card to Kuina for a fresh card on his next go and without warning he moaned loudly, scarily realistic too — low-pitched in depth.

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