Chapter 13: Going Our Seprate Ways Part 1

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So before I begin the story, since this story is my first one-shot I always seek inspirations and ideas. So this one is inspired by __Fallen__Angel__ Nico x Reader, it's all good story
And so yeah enjoy! :)

(Your a Hephaestus kid btw)

Your POV:

You and Nico were best friends until..

"Hey Nico" you say as you run up to him. "Oh hello y/n" he says he says his back facing your face. "Nico?" You ask and then suddenly he turns around and kisses you.

You were so shocked that you didn't kiss back. "Oh I'm sorry Y/N!" He says as he storms off probably to his cabin.

You try to keep up with him but with your luck, it's starts to rain 'oh great' You say as you stand there in the pouring rain.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" Leo says running to you. "I was going to go talk to Nico but it started to rain" you say not saying what actually happened.

"Oh well that has to wait" he says as he grabs your hand and leads you to the Hephaestus cabin. You were so depressed that you just let him.

The next morning the horn blows, you sigh and clean your red eyes since you cried so hard last night and then you dress up in your shorts and camp shirt.

It was all sunny so you were angry. When you sat down Chiron began to speak. "Ok children this is very depressing but Nico left camp last night and he is not going to return for some time" Chiron says. Your so sad and at the verge of tears but then, to make it even worse, a camper whispered, "who cares about that freak". You then broke.

"Well you know who does care about 'that freak' me!" You yelled at them and then stormed out to the Hephaestus cabin with tears.

Your in your bed and begin to cry. Then someone knocks on your door.

"Go away!" You say "y/n it's me, Leo" Leo says coming in. "What do you want?!" You ask angrily, "for you to calm down, I know Nico is your best friend but he will come back, I swear" he says.

"But when?!" You yell "I don't know, maybe for sometime" Leo whispers.

You then decided not to cry anymore, you then waited...
For 5 months.

~~~~~~Time Skip!~~~~~~

You were walking around with Jacob, your best friend. He is an Apollo kid that has messy dark brown hair with dark blue eyes, and likes the color black... Like Nico.

(You rarely mentioned Nico to him)

5 months past, you forgot about Nico and mostly hanged out with Jacob.

He had a funny attitude and met you 4 months ago, he was new back then so you met him when Chiron asked you to show him around.

The horn then blew and then Chiron began to speak. "As some of you might know Nico Di Angelo disappeared" when he mentioned him your heart sank. "It has been 5 months now and so Nico came back. Welcome back Nico" he says as Nico waved silently to you.

'How can he wave at you when it has been 5 months' you think as Chiron said goodbye and all of the campers went different ways, gossiping about you and Nico.

Nico then sat on a bench and you decided to come up to him. "Nico you came back!" You say smiling as you try hugging him but he pushes you away and stares at something else, no not something, someone, a girl.

She was the same replica of Nico except that she was a girl and her eyes, their were a dark green. Also her hair, it was long and wavy.

She came up to you guys "so this is the y/n you mentioned right?" She asks as you just stared at her. "Yeah um y/n meet Samantha she's my girlfriend" he says normally.

You were about to cry but held them back. A talent you developed through time. You then gave him a slight glare and you then nodded "hey um I need to-" you begin to say but someone pokes you behind, Jacob.

He then laughs but then he sees you, Nico, and Samantha.

"Hello?" He says as he stares at everyone except you. "Who are you?" Jacob asks "I'm Samantha, Nico's girlfriend."

You then looked at him. He knew you had a crush on Nico when you told them what happened since he was your best friend. He nods and you then frowns "yeah I'm Jacob and um me and y/n need to go" he says taking your hand. You look at Nico, he was glaring daggers at Jacob.

"Well bye!" Samantha says while you and Jacob went away, holding hands to the beach. "What was that for?" You ask "To get you out of that situation, y/n do you really want to see Nico with his girlfriend?" He says "well no" you whisper "so yeah. How about me and you go have a picnic on the beach today?" Jacob says

"Fine only because your my best friend in the world" you say as he smiles. You then hear bushes rustling but you guys excused it as wind. "Ok met me here in an hour" he says "ok" you say as you give him a quick peck in the cheek and went away, him blushing.

As you go to the (f/g/p, favorite godly parent) cabin you wonder what's going to happen next.

But not for long.

Ok so I hoped you enjoyed this.
There will be a part 2 so don't worry and yeah I'll publish part 2 as fast as I can. If I don't that may be because I'm busy with stuff.
I also changed my name if you didn't know that.
But I will still be calling you little maniacs. :)

And yeah I love ya
- Hailey

Not Dead - (Nico x Reader Imagines) {✄ EDITING ✍︎}Where stories live. Discover now