Chapter 41: Saving Part 4

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(While Nico was telling u the story he never mentioned Bianca, ok. 😁)

And there stood the bright shining building,

The Lotus Casino

You heard a car zoom out.
It was raining.
Your face felt sticky. You then touched your s/c cheeks and noticed you were crying.

But why?. (Btw during your visions you can't recall your other visions you had)

You then opened the doors. "Oh hello there sweetie" A women said with a kind smile. "He-hello?" You reply, shivering.

"Oh your freezing cold. Here have a nice warm blanket" she says kindly while wrapping you in one.

"Thanks" you thank "no problem. I'm here to serve you, for free, nothing. Now it seems, you were crying am I right?" She asks, you nod "mommy left me" you reply.


"Don't worry, mommy left you in good hands." She says as she then grabs a handkerchief as she then cleans your face. 

When she finished, a boy that had olive skin and shaggy black hair and eyes that reminded you of... Nico, walked in.

He looked so familiar to Nico but more bright, happy.

Next to him stood a girl, probably his older sister as she was talking to him when he then saw you.

"Oh hey a new person, Bianca!" The boy, exclaims.
You were then in 3rd point of view. "Hel- hello" you say, wrapping yourself more tightly on to your blanket.

"Hey I'm Nico. What's yours?" He asked

Wait what?!

"y- y/n" you answer. "well y/n can we play?, can we play Bianca?!" He pleads.

What is this why are you seeing this?!. That's why Nico seemed so familiar to you. That connection.

You were so shocked that then you could feel a voice
"y/- y/n?" A far away voice said. Just before you got woken up, you saw Nico and Bianca going away with this dark figure.

"Bianca... Nico?" You yell tears streaming down your face. Your eyes then open.

There you were on the infirmary bed. The seven were staring at you in shock.

"What?!" You yell rising up. "You muttered Bianca" Nico said. Out of everyone, Nico looked the most shock. He looked so pale as snow and looked like he was about to cry.

"I said what happened?" You recall, sternly. "You muttered stuff like: Bianca, Nico." Frank answered. "What's the meaning of this y/n?" Annabeth asked, scared.

You sighed and bit your lip.
"I have headaches that mostly leads me into seeing visions into the past. I only had 2 so far, not counting this one but..." You were about to cry until Annabeth hugged you.

"I heard something happened to my little sister?!" A familiar voice said. You then realized it was Clarrise.

She was always like a big mom to you and she knows about your headaches and visions after that one night...

"The headaches" you whisper. "It happened again?!" she asks again. "Wait what?!" The seven said.

You bit your lip a little harder, "I knew, is that y/n didn't want to tell anybody" Clarrise said "oh and hey there Prissy" she said walking right next to you.

"But y/n I am your best friend" Annabeth exclaimed, disappointed.
"And that's why I didn't want you to worry about me. Clarrise knows because she was there went she saw me like that." You reply as you then end up telling them your last vision you had.

You were in your bed, Cabin 5 was deserted, all of your siblings were at dinner except Clarrise she was training. This was the day after your birthday and Leo gave you the present. You put on a fake smile and left. You were already having many depressing thoughts and thought about putting Leo's present up. Just when your about to get it, you fainted and had one of your visions. (The first one, you don't remember it. You were only an infant but your dad only told you, that you passed out, you later found out that, that was one of your visions.) Anyways, you then visioned of this man calmly talking to your mom.

"Look (m/n?) I'm a Greek God and for me I need to take responsibilities at Olympus. I need to go now. The war." He tried to explain.

"I know Ares. You do what you have to do and I do mine." Your mother said

"I love you for understanding. You are a special women" Ares said "You too" Your mother said as she then kissed him.

"Eww" you say as a little girl. Ares smiled "and you too my little girl. Anyways, I need to go" he says as he then smiles slightly at you and your mother.

"Bye father" you say as you were about cry. "Bye
y/n" he says as he then disappears through the door.

You then begin to cry. You mother then cradles you in your arms, "You need to live on. Your father said there is one place, the Lotus Hotel. Now you can't suffer." She says she packed some of your stuff and left the house.

"Where we going?" You ask
"Somewhere special" she said. Then you two arrive somewhere. The Lotus Hotel. "Y/n?" You mother said.

"Yes mother?" You reply, worried. "Can you be a brave girl and go through there, for me?" She asks. You then realized that you were crying but nodded. "Thank you" she says as she then plants a kiss on your forehead.

"I love you, y/n" she whispers as she then enters her car and zooms away. You then turned to face the building but someone shook you awake, Clarrise.

"Y/n??" She asks a bit worried. "My mom left-" you say quickly rising up ands staring at her.

"Ok ok calm down tell me what happened?!" She asks. You do so and everything that happened before.

You needed to let it out and you felt like Clarrise was trustworthy.

And so when you finished she nods. "Please don't tell anyone!" You plead "I won't" Clarrise promised.

(You first told the first story and then the next one.) And so you told them that and faced them since your face was on the floor. They were all shocked, Nico was the worst.
Long chapter!!!
Ok so I may have messed up with this vision chapter but I still hoped u understood and liked it.
Sorry for the long wait too!
Anyways, I love ya
- Hailey 😉

Not Dead - (Nico x Reader Imagines) {✄ EDITING ✍︎}Where stories live. Discover now