Chapter 24: Theatre

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So basically for this One-Shot your not going to be demigods but you still meet Nico! Woat Woat!
Anyways, Enjoy! :)
Your POV:

You and your best friends, Annabeth, Piper, Hazel, Calypso were heading to the movie theater because you wanted to watch a horror movie.

You were the outcast and kinda shy in the group. You were addicted to just listening to music and reading stories in Wattpad.

You were listening to
(F/S) when Piper nudged you "C'mon y/n you need to get your eyeballs off that phone or I'm going to take it!" She says. You then sigh and put your phone in your bag. After you fixed you square glasses and beanie you got tickets.

You were dressed up in the usual white beanie, blue long sleeved sweater thing, black leggings, and black Uggs.

You payed and sat there. While you were going down the aisle you were secretly listening to music.

You quietly sang the course and went down the aisle. What you didn't know was that a group of guys were checking you all out, even Nico.

The group was Percy,Jason,Leo,Frank, and Nico. Anyways, you were almost half way through the movie when Hazel whispered to the girls, "guys don't you get the feeling your being watched?" She ask "way to freak us out, Hazel" you say "I'm sorry is that I feel it, don't you?" She replies.

"Yeah I do... Kinda" Annabeth says "I do too" Piper agrees. You then looked around the theatre and found the group of boys watching you.

"Their over there" you say motioning them with your head "I see them" they all whispered "who's going to tell them to stop?" Piper says.

"No" Annbeth says "nope" Hazel says "naw" Piper says. Calypso nods her head in disagreement. Then they all looked at you.

"Oh hell no!" You whisper yell. Too late, you were already walking up the aisle, you sigh. "Hello" you say to them.

"Hey" they all said except some dude with shaggy raven black hair. "So basically my friends are getting creeped out because your like staring-" yo begin to say.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean too" A boy with a buzzcut said "you remind me very much of Hazel" you whisper "who?. Golden eyes?" He say "yeah Hazel. Anyways, can you guys um-" "there's no stopping Valdez here" this Latino elf boy says.

"What my friend means is, why don't you pretty girls come join us to eat at a restaurant downtown?" Sea-green eyes said.

"Um, ok, we'll see. Anyways, what are your guys name?" You ask.

"Mine is Percy" Percy said "Jason" Jason said "and this bad boy supreme is Leo" Leo said stretching his suspenders. "I'm Frank and this is-" Frank said but finally mystery boy said it for him.

"Nico,Nico Di Angelo" Nico says looking at you.
You got to say, he looked pretty hot. You then blush.

What the fuck? You think

"Ooo I think someone's falling for Neeks!" Jason. said.

Nico blushed, really hard
"Ok I'm just going to go now" you say as you quickly got back to the girls.

"Omg" you say "what happened?" They all said in unison. You then explained it to them. "I can't believe he called me golden eyes" Hazel said, blushing.

"Ooo Hazel" Piper said. "That's exactly what Jason said" You say. She then blushed "really? ok anyway" she says wanting to Chang the subject. "So who do you think is the cutest?" Calypso, asked not wanting to change the subject.

"Percy" Annabeth whispers to herself but all of us heard. "Omg Annabeth finally has a crush!" Piper said.

"Shut up" she said "and that wasn't my first crush, mine was Peeta Mellark" she said "dude that's from a book" You say "well whatever" she says sticking out her tongue and looking somewhere else.

"Oh so it's official Annabeth likes Percy, mine is, I would say Leo is cute" Calypso said as we all smirked "Frank too" Hazel said "I don't know Nico looks kind of mysterious" you say.

They all then raised their eyebrows "whatever, why are even talking about this lets just watch the movie" Calypso said as we obeyed.

When the movie finished you all headed out. "Hello girls" Leo said "hello there" Calypso said "well want to go eat?" Percy said.

"Sure" we all said except me. The girls then stared at me "ok" I sigh. Yeah, as you guessed it, sighing is my thing.

We then walked to the restaurant and sat down. The awkward part was that I was sitting next to Nico. I sigh, again. "Hey, y/n right?" You nod "what's you favorite color?" "F/C" you say. After that he began to ask random questions. You were just on your phone, as always.

Everyone ordered their food and began to talk to each other. You and Nico, not so much.

Even though he was pretty cute, you felt so shy to say anything to him. Yes I confirmed you were shy but this kid, he was just so-.

Hard to explain

"Look Nico right?" You suddenly say "let's eat" you say as he smirks?. This kid is going to turn your face into a tomato.

You and Nico then ate and he told you a lot about him. You did too.
A lot.

You learned that his sister, Bianca died in a car accident. You felt sorry for that kid because you could relate.

It's hard to believe, but you used to be social until your sister died of cancer. You tend not to look into the past but you felt like you could tell Nico everything.

You then were brought into tears. You tried to wipe them away or swallow the lumps in your throat but it didn't work.

Suddenly, you felt pairs of arms wrap around you. Nico.

"Ooo Nico" everyone in the table said "shut up. Can't you see she's crying?" He says. Everyone went dead silent. You then took a big sigh. "I'm going to go take a walk" you say leaving.

You were walking when someone suddenly touched your fingers. The persons fingers were dead cold, lifeless. They then hold your hand.

"Sorry I just needed to-" Nico begin to say but you got enough. You kissed him. It was a passionate kiss. "I like you" you say pulling away. He's in total shock. You then went away but he held a tight grip on your hand and pulled you in.

He then kissed you again

I was basically tired on this, I know it sucked, but I hoped you liked it. :)

Anyways, I love ya
- Hailey :D

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