Chapter 88 | Late | Nerdy Nico x Reader | Ending

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Btw, you and Nico are 16.
Weeks passed with avoiding him. "I know I said that I needed to apologize" you talk to yourself as you laid on your bed looking up in the wall. "Why am I even this desperate to say sorry. I barely know that guy" you argue. "I just don't know."

"Maybe you should go outside to clear your mind out or something, sis" you sister says carrying something into the bathroom. "Yeah you're right." You reply.

"I'm going to the park."


As you walk pass the laughing children on the swings you look at ground, cleansing your mind.

But then all of a sudden, a woman came running passed you, dropping her keys.

She looked like she was jogging. You then look down and see the pair of keys, glistening in the sun. You pick it up and immediately call for her. "Hey!" You yell as you see her not that far away. While the key were shaking, you take a quick glance of it. And there was a picture of him.

He looked like he was in 3rd grade or something but you could tell it was him. Just by the way, his dark brown eyes twinkled. You rapidly take your gaze from his picture and see the woman stopping.

She takes an earphone bud out and looks back. You then go towards her. "Hey, um you dropped this miss" you explain as she listens to you. She then laughs, "Silly me. Thank you sweety." She says as you give her the keys. Before she turned her back you suddenly asked her.

"Miss, can you tell me who that kid is in your picture. It's because I think he goes to my school and I want to tell him something." You explain. She then turns to face you. "Well that was my son in 3rd grade. His name is Nico. He's now in 11th grade." She tells you.

"Oh" you reply.

"Actually you sort of fit the description of the girl that pushed him." She says. "Oh I'm sorry, if I'm being rude or anything" she adds.

"No, no." You say "it's my fault for pushing your son. I'm planning to tell him sorry..." You tell her. She just smiles warmly, "well do that soon. And see his reaction."


"So now how am I going to this shit." You ask yourself as your mom drops you off at the front gate.

Just do it y/n!

Why are you even scared?!

That's right. I shouldn't be scared! I also may have thought of a plan on how to do it. Without talking to him.


The bell rung as it signaled the students to go to lunch. You, skipping lunch, went to his locker. (While ignoring him you find out his locker location.)

And slipped in the note you wrote to him in math class. Luckily you took down every single thing he wrote on the board.

You then start to head away until you hear someone's voice behind you.


You immediately turn around and see that it was Nico. That's right, he was the hall monitor.

"Y-yes." You say with wide eyes.

You then see that he had the note in his hands. He then read it real quick and then looked at you, smirking. Your brain went blank.

He then laughs. It sounded familiar to his mothers actually.

"If you wanted to apologize you could've told me, you know?" He says. Your mouth agape as you stared at the ground. "I was scared"

Shit. Why'd you say that?!

"Scared of what?" He asks "I don't bite."

"I don't know." You mumble.

"It's okay, you don't have to tell m-"

"I like you."

You wanted to disappear at that second. Why did your heart... "Y-you like me?" He asks, shyly. His ears couldn't believe what you were saying, his ears were also red.

"Yes. Maybe that was why I was scared of apologizing to you." Well, there was no turning back. "Because..." He says as he looks at his shoes "I like you too."


And so, that was how you fell... For the biggest nerd in school.
Sorry if it was so sudden!
I just couldn't think of anything else to write after that. Anyways, I love ya!
Stay fabulous

- Hailey

Not Dead - (Nico x Reader Imagines) {✄ EDITING ✍︎}Where stories live. Discover now