Chapter 82 | Im a Hunter of Artemis | [STOPPED]

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Grab you popcorn and enjoy reading this story that took me DAYS to write.

Help!" A familiar voice pleaded.

You and the other girls look at each other. Natasha, the leader of this mini group (Artemis arranged) and the most serious, glances at you. "You go help her out" She tells you, since you are her most strongest hunter here. Not that the others aren't but you, have been training quite some time. You all then hear bushes moving harshly. You all cock your heads towards the noise in less than a second. "We have other things to deal with" she finishes.

You look at her in a serious expression. Trying to not fill up with worry. You finally nodded and began to find the hunter that called.

"Let's go girls" Natasha yelled as you started to run away.

You climbed up trees in seconds. Avoiding hitting any tree branches. Good thing you did tons of training in a matter of 7 years. Now you probably want a bit of a back story. So lets says this, you've been a hunter of Artemis ever since you were 12. You ran away after finding your dad and step-mom dead on the couch. You didn't cry because your dad always told you to be tough no matter what happens to him. He told you to be tough because if you don't then that may lead you into other bad things. He was also too late to tell you about...

After that, it obviously caused you a lot of trauma. You also survived in the woods for a few days until Artemis found you, with her hunters of course. She rescued you and found out your story and your personality. Your personality caught her eyes. Eventually, she asked you if you wanted to join the pack and having nowhere to go you accepted the honor. She never told about where you were supposed to go... For a reason.

She told you the things on being a hunter. You took all of that seriously, she liked that.

"Jessica!" You cried. There she was. Being dragged by the vicious beast. At that moment, you went crazy and attacked. You climbed a tree, shooting arrows directly at the monster. You shot it's eye and instantly jumped on another tree. The monster let go of Jessica and put his hands on his eyes.

Blinded, you decided to kill this thing at last. You huffed and shot your arrow directly at its head. "Bulls eye" You mutter.

The beast uncovered his eyes revealing a revolting sight. You decided not to look at that and instantly hopped down. You landed on the ground and rapidly grabbed Jessica and put her on your back. The monster then started to fall down.


While the monster was dissolving, a giant trail of dust came their way. Natasha took notice. "Get your bows out! And let's get our asses out there!" She ordered. The girls obeyed and shook their heads in full concentration.

Back to when the monster was falling down you immediately realized and began to run. The weight was holding you back but you kept on going. "For Artemis"

Just then, the monster dropped. Dust came all over the place. To avoid being blinded, you went inside a hole under a tree. You laid Jessica down. She was losing so much blood. You bit you lip while you held her unconscious body, it was dark down here also. You search your pockets and surprisingly found a bandage.

"How the hell did this survive?" You question. "Thanks Artemis" you assumed, slightly bowing.

You study the one massive wound and not wanting it to get infected you covered it up with the bandage. "If I only had ambrosia!" You complained. "But other than that, if only the girls will come"

Not Dead - (Nico x Reader Imagines) {✄ EDITING ✍︎}Where stories live. Discover now