Chapter 16: The Loser

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Naila's POV
"What is this then?"

I have just arrived from the Riviera. I was with the man she introduced me to. Things are getting intense with Pierre. I came home excited to tell Bea all about it but her look of hostility is off-putting. Suitcases and bags surround her.

"I want you to leave." She informed me.

I laughed at her. "Are you serious love? I already went through this with Marc Anthony. He said I can stay. So..." I rolled my eyes.

"I want you to leave." She repeated.

"I'm not leaving. It's not your porogative to kick me out."

"I defended you in front of everyone, asking them to give you a fighting chance and what do you do? You wreck a family. I watched a family break up because of you."

"Oh that." I shrugged. "It's not my bloody fault she doesn't have a backbone."

"Naila, your pain has made you cruel. Get out of my house. I don't want that kind of influence around my children."

"I'm not leaving. It's my brother's house. But if you feel uncomfortable, you leave."

We had a sudden standoff. She marcued to the door behind me, opened it and started throwing out my bags, one after another.

"Stop it Bea! What are you doing?" I held onto one of the bags.

"I want you out!"

I tried to salvage what I can but she has crazy strength for a person her size. One after another the suitcases flew out and she was almost done when Tony arrived.

"Oi! What is going on here?"

"Your bloody trophy wife has gone mad!"

"Trophy wife?" She nearly attacked me had Tony not stepped in between. "I want her gone Tony. Make it happen."

She crossed her arms on her chest,glaring at me with her big green eyes.

When Tony's expression eased, I realized that I'm on the losing end here. He is not going to back me.

"You heard her Nai. You have to go."

"Just like that?"

"My wife wants you out, you leave."

"But it's your house! You make the rules!"

"It's our home, I support anything that keeps my family together. I don't want my children to end up being shared in a custody agreement because I gave your ungrateful rude ass shelter. Goodbye Naila."

He took Bea's hand and they went back inside. She closed the door just to open it and throw out the last bag. It landed right at my feet, spilling the contents.

How did it get here with Bea? I thought we were okay. I got down and flattered what I could. The rest, I left to litter her compound.

Cole's POV
"How did it go with Azura?" My mother asked me.

I found her waiting on the porch of my home. I sat beside her, looking towards the sea. "Not so good. I have lost her."

"Cole, I'm so sorry. Maybe time-"

"We are divorced. We have nothing left but Ethan."

"And how did it go in that discussion?"

"She agreed to share. I'll get Ethan three months a year, over summer and I'm allowed to visit him whenever I please."

"That's fair. She is a reasonable woman, quite genuine and kind. I wanted it to work between the two of you."

"Me too."

The Harrington Series Book #4: Chasing NailaWhere stories live. Discover now