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"Love is a word with so much power. It moulds people, it changes hearts and defines relationships. You two have had your own share of difficulties. But each struggle has led you to this point. You wouldn't be here if your individual paths didn't lead you here. My only advise as you've already heard from so many others is to hold on to the love you feel for each other, through sunny days and rainy ones alike. One of you will always need to be stronger to pull the other up." He took a moment to gaze at both of us. "I've been advised to make this brief. He can't wait to marry this beautiful woman."

Another wave of excitement hit the guests. Tony is Cole's best man. He is happier than the groom because he knows I'm now Cole's problem. 

Levi, my other brother happily declined to be at my wedding. He said he doesn't do crowds. I respect that. He said he will watch from afar. I know he is somewhere, I just don't know where. Wayne gave me away. Surprisingly, there was no drama other than him asking Cole who he is.

Taking six months to plan our wedding was the right move. My best maid Bea wasn't any help. She told Leen's planner to do whatever she bloody hell damns. I was too overwhelmed with motherhood to worry about the details. She out together a beautiful wedding in London, at the Bellingerre Manor. This spot we are standing on is the same spot I first met Cole Michael. We were children then. Who would have known the paths that we would take to make it back here?

Life almost took everything from me and there are moments I was too engulfed in darkness to see anything else. I didn't imagine it would end.

"I've always found beginnings to be scary and endings to be sad. Taking the first step toward telling you i love you got me to break a sweat. It was always that feeling that knots up the insides and the throat runs dry. I believe it's because you blew me away. Not only with your obvious beauty but also with how strong and resilient you are. When I did open my heart to you, the highs proved to far more significant than the lows." Cole took both of my hands into his. "Naila, storm clouds may gather and stars may collide but I will always love you to the end of time. I've never stopped and I don't intend to. I loved you yesterday, I love you today and I will love you tomorrow and forever."

"I'm not a poet." I chuckled nervously. "I'm not that good at putting my thoughts and feelings into words. But that's not a struggle when I'm with you. You make everyday feel like another day at the park. Your love is more than I deserve and my only wish is that I'll live to be half the person you are and love you half as much as you love me. Today, in front of all our friends and family, I want to declare my love and my commitment to you through thick and thin. I promise to love you and stand by you through it all."

A warm round of applause followed our vows. We received the symbols of our union in readiness to seal the deal.

As we did so, I took a moment to see how much we have both grown from the two kids at the lake, gone through fire to make us both stronger and finally finding peace in the love we feel for each other. We shared a satisfied smile.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's with great pleasure that I present to you Mr and Mrs Cole Michael Harrington." There was a standing ovation particularly from close family and friends. A round of applause accompanied the wave of excitement that hit everyone. "You may now kiss the-"

Cole is too impatient to wait. He is just as impatient as I was for the ring when he was proposing. He has done so much waiting that patience is no longer in him. He sealed his union with me, giving our guests a show like no other. Marc Anthony theatrically used his body to block the guests from the view of the kissing couple. When rose petals and rice were hurled at him, he moved aside.

"We have finally done the one thing we had both promised each other as children. You are my wife, Mrs Harrington. I'm spending the rest of my life with you."

"Mr Harrington?"

"Yes Mrs Harrington?" He responded softly.

"I would ask you to pinch me because this is a dream come true. I can't believe we overcome all this to be here today."

Our love shone through the darkness, proving to be a guiding light to each other. We found each other even though life ripped us apart. As we hold hands, facing our guests, one thing will forever be a constant.

Our love.

The Harrington Series Book #4: Chasing NailaWhere stories live. Discover now