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     Four figures stand in a dark apartment, one standing in front of a whiteboard with a red expo marker in hand. They're all discussing something, "Now, we gotta have a name... what about-" the one with the marker started to speak. Another figure, with a coonskin hat, interrupted him. "We are not going to be called anything you think of," They said with the other two figures nodding along profusely. The one with the marker rolled their eyes and started to write on the board. When he finished writing there were three letters written on the board.

     the other three all face palmed at the same time, "This is exactly why we don't let you name things..." mumbled the figure with a scar on the right side of their face. "You always do something... inappropriate," Grumbled the coonskin hat figure. The one with the marker groaned in disappointment, "You guys just don't have humor," they stated. The one with the scare pointed to themself and added a comment, "Besides, you forgot to add me in your inappropriate acronym," This made the one with the marker look at the letters they wrote and they sighed in defeat. "Then what are we calling ourselves?" they said disappointed, that their friends didn't like the group name he chose.

     After a few minutes of thinking the last figure, with eagle wings and a snake tail, spoke up, "What about Emahtron? You're all smart, you can figure it out," The others started to think. When they all understood they all nodded and the one with the marker erased the letters he previously wrote and replaced it with 'Emahtron' then nodded, pleased with it. "This is actually really good," Commented the coonskin hat figure. "Then it's settled, we're Emahtron," Said the one with the scar.



     A tricolored country is pacing in his office, thinking about what's going on. "What do these people want?" He thought, that's what him and all his colleagues wanted to know. What exactly did these killers... these terrorists, practically... what did they want? Fame? Revenge? Or are they just doing this for kicks? These people are messed up and insane, that's the only confirmed thing they all know. They can tell from the past... murders, he still couldn't get some of those scenes out of his head. He never understood how a group of people could be so sick, so rotten, so insane they would do what they did.

     His office door swung open, and he looked over to see another tricolor country. "Привет, Germany" the country that was previously pacing in the office said to the one entering. Germany nodded and pulled out a folder from his messenger bag. "Hallo, Russland," Germany said, "Here's the info you asked me to get... took a little convincing to get EU to let me get them for you," Russia took the folder and smiled. "Thank you, Germany," Russia said as he set the folder on his desk. Germany adjusted her glasses and smiled, "Also, EU said he wanted to talk to you before you went home tonight," She added, "See you tomorrow Russland," Then she left, leaving Russia wondering what EU wanted to talk to him about.


=Before Russia heads home=

     Russia stood in front of the door to EU's office, he was just about to knock but EU opened it before he could. "Oh, Russia, you're here," he said as he let Russia into his office. "Take a seat," EU said, gesturing to a cushioned chair in front of his mahogany desk. Russia sat down, and EU at his desk as well. "As you know, I put you in charge of the issues regarding Emathron," EU started, "and I think it would be good if I gave you some help and better resources," Russia's eyes narrowed. He didn't like it when things changed without any warning.

     "Sir, no offense, but I think I'll do fine on my own," Russia replied, EU shook his head. "This is a decision I made, there's no way out of this Russia," EU sighed, "You're going to do what you already do, looking at the scenes of the murders, but you'll be working with Finland," at the mention of Finland Russia sighed in disbelief... he and Finland didn't get along very well, even if Finland is a great sniper. "Sir-" Russia tried to argue, but EU held up his hand, making Russia stop talking. "You have too," EU stated, looking at Russia seriously, "I have talked to the ACPD, and ASEAN agreed to let two of her best officers join you," Russia looked at EU like he was done with everything... which he kind of was.

     "Who is ASEAN sending to 'help' me then?" Russia asked, trying to keep his annoyed tone down. EU smiled brightly, "Vietnam and Kazakhstan," he explained, "Vietnam can make himself silent, and Kazakhstan is one of the few winged countries with a power," Russia nodded. This combination might not be the worst. Someone who can become completely silent, a flying country, and one of the best snipers in the world... who also hates Russia's guts.

     "What's Kazakhstan's power?" Russia asked, since EU didn't tell him. "Oh, right," EU said nervously, as he had forgotten to tell Russia, "Well, he can make his wings glow... like a mini sun that doesn't damage your eyes," that's... interesting, for Russia. The only other glowing county he's heard of is the Vatican. "Alright..." Russia mumbled, "Just tell them to meet me at the next murder scene then," Then he stood up and left. Which kind of disappointed EU, he liked to talk about all sorts of things. One time he was in a situation where he was talking to AU about the enemies-to-lovers trope in books and fanfics.


ECPD= Europiya City Police Department

NCPD= Naisa City Police Department

(for future reference:

AMPD= Africane Metropolis Police Department

OCPD= Oceanya City Police Department

LCPD= Latimerica City Police Department


And that's all the stuff you need to know for now. Also publishing new chapters are probably going to be all over the place, especially since I don't know how this is going to go yet.

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