27- Rewind

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Finland POV:

     Darkness, that's the first thing I noticed. Then, a streetlight flickered on, then another, and another, and another, until a whole street was illuminated. A city of light seemed to materialize around me out of thin air.

     Just ahead of me... the Political subdivision of the UN building. It started to snow, and I look up at the sky. It's dark, covered by clouds... it's nighttime, snowing, and... and Antarctica just entered the building...

     "No..." I whisper in fear, "Why this night? Of all nights, why this one?" and my feet moved, stepping towards the building. Why am I walking towards the building I want to avoid the most? Why... What the hell did Greenland do?

     Soon, I ended up inside, and I saw Greenland and Antarctica smiling and laughing. I remember watching this... but from outside, I couldn't see who it was back then... why am I inside this time? Wait, how am I even back here? What is going on? Why do I know who's inside this time?!

     I watched as Greenland and Antarctica walked inside an elevator. They're going to the top of the building, and it's a tall building. There are 15 stories in the building, and I know that they're going to the top... because I watched from the ground last time.

     One moment I'm standing on the base floor, then I blink and I'm on the rooftop... This is just like the 4th of January... Six years ago... Except I'm here... on the top, and I-I'm not where I was that night.

     Just then, I saw Antarctica and Greenland walk out onto the rooftop. I look to the edge of the rooftop, and I see her... her blue, black, and white flag as beautiful as ever. Her black turtleneck under her smoky blue suit, like it always was... before she...

     "Hello there, ESSR," Greenland smiled, waving at Estonia. Estonia turned around, quickly and spooked by the sudden speaking. I find myself starting to smile, I can't help smiling whenever I see Estonia... but I started to frown as I remembered that this is just a... something.

     Estonia glared at Greenland, like she knew Greenland, "ESSR? Never heard of them," Antarctica sighed and turned away from Greenland and Estonia, facing the door they entered the top from.

     Antarctica seemed to not like what was about to happen, and Greenland kept walking towards Estonia. Estonia stepped back with each step Greenland took... getting closer and closer to the edge.

"ESSR," Greenland cheerfully replied, "or Estonia, you're keeping something secret from my boss."

     Estonia's eyes widened, and she stepped back again, standing right on the edge. "I don't know what you're talking about, Greenland," Estonia growled, "I've told you all the details you wanted, so let me live my god damn life!"

     Greenland chuckled and shook her head, then she snapped, and Estonia's eyes widened. Antarctica turned around and he had a sad, regretful, and... guilt. Why would Antarctica feel guilt? He was the Crimson Wraith for God's sake!

     Then a blur of red zoomed towards Estonia, and she gasped and fell backwards... off the edge. I couldn't do anything the first time, and I can't do anything this time... I'm useless! I can't move, I need to, I have too!

      I ran to the edge, and all I saw when I looked over the edge was Estonia's body on the sidewalk 15 stories below... Greenland laughed behind me, and I heard Antarctica grumble something. He clearly wasn't happy with what he'd just done...

     The next thing I knew, the city lights flickered again until the light faded into darkness. I couldn't see a thing... but... now I know what happened to her... now I know that my suspicions about Greenland were right!


=Russia POV=


     The first thing I saw was Vostok Station, but... something is different. It doesn't look the same way it did before it blew up. Vostok Station looked more... new and... something about this place didn't feel right.

     I felt... shorter? Why do I feel shorter? Then my right hand grabbed someone else's... why did my body move on its own? That's not normal... not in this situation. My head turned to look at the person whose hand I held. A man, and he looked familiar.

     He was tall, and his flag looked... even more familiar that the man himself. His cherry red hair barely visible under an ushanka... Why was this man so familiar? From his appearance to his demeanor seemed so familiar it's frustrating.

     His gray eyes fixated on the station, and I noticed he had a symbol of a hammer and sickle on his ushanka. Wait... I've seen that before. That ushanka... no wonder this man is familiar. He's the USSR, the Soviet Union, the first communist country.

     "Come on RSFSR, don't you want to explore the station?" USSR asked me... or at least the person whose point of view I'm seeing. I felt my head shake in a "no", and USSR sighed.

     "Alright then, why don't you join your siblings inside at least?" He asked me, then I nodded. But I don't have any siblings, I never have, this is strange. Me and USSR walked inside the station and I let go of his hand and walked into a room.

     I see 12 other kids, some teens, and others that look around the age of 5. Then I realize, I feel shorter because I am shorter. Looking down at my hands, I notice that my left hand is entirely red, which is normal, but my right hand is red... except my pinkie and ring finger, they're blue.

     One of the kids turns to look at me and smiled, patting the floor next to her. "Come on RSFSR, we haven't talked since last week!" she said, her flag completely red, but she wore a blue and white choker that was wavy... who is she?

     My head nodded and I sat down next to the girl. Whoever's eyes I'm seeing through doesn't talk much. The girl started talking, something about propaganda, space, and... the USA? What? What does America have to do with this?

     "Russia?" The girl said quizzically, waving her hand in front of my eyes, "Are you alright?" Wait, did she just call me Russia? But I thought this person was RSFSR, after all, that's what everyone so far has called "me".

     I nodded and the girl hugged me, "You know you can always talk to me Russia; I am your sister after all!" she smiled, now this is definitely weird, "Or you can talk to dad, USSR, but you usually don't talk to him."

     Wait... wasn't I with America and the others before?! Greenland went all crazy, right?! Shit! What's happening there, is America okay?! I mean, not that I'm not worried about the others... Why did she say that USSR was "our" dad? Did she mean her dad? Or did she mean my dad... this explains why Finland hates me so much!

     Then everything went blank, the girl and the other kids disappeared, the room vanished, and everything poofed out of existence. It's just... darkness... God dammit, I hate the dark. I hate not knowing what my surroundings are. Something... Everything about this is wrong, what the hell did Greenland do?!


     Another update because I'm going to be too busy tomorrow and Sunday to write/update :D!

     If you want to hear random stuff, what's going on with my inconsistent writing schedule, and just news stuff in general, check my "Conversations". Because that's usually where I say whether or not I'm going to be able to write/update things for a while. Or it's just a bunch of random things.

     Onto the next chapter! (I'm gonna be so tired tomorrow-)

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