21- Trust If You Dare

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     Russia woke up before America did, for once... or he at least thought he did. He sat up and looked down at America, who's sleeping, then he looked at the blinds. It's still dark. Weird, Russia never wakes up before America, he's usually the last to wake up.

     Russia got out of bed, but when his feet touched the soft carpet, his surroundings changed. "Okay... definitely still dreaming, a really weird dream too." Russia thought, watching the bedroom disappear and being replaced with an office, and from his random 1 A.M. google searches... it looks like UK's office.

     A navy-blue bookshelf on the right of the room, going from the floor to the ceiling, and taking up the whole wall. Three large glass windows that are behind a teak roll-top desk, and a rolly chair behind the desk, in the back-center. The left side of the room has a few filing cabinets in the corners, then marble counters with an electric tea kettle plugged into an outlet. A rectangular rug in the middle of the room, and a few cushioned chairs in front of the desk. It looked so... cozy, but still had a professional look to it.

     Russia looked around, and when he turned around to look at the door, he saw Australia standing in front of him. Russia looked at Australia confused, why was Australia in his weirder-than-normal dream? Australia waved at him, and Russia hesitantly waved back, still confused. Russia opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out.

     Australia shook her head, "Nope, can't talk Russia, not yet anyway, not until I want you to." Australia smiled. Russia glared at Australia; this is what he gets for forgetting Australia's power. "Anyway, you're probably wondering why the Oceanyan zookeeper is in your little Europiyan dream," Australia started, "Well, it's because... UK told me something,"

     Russia raised his eyebrows, interested, as UK doesn't say much to anyone outside of the military subdivision. Russia waited for Australia to continue, trying to figure out why UK said anything to Australia in the first place.

     "Well, she said that Poland, Colonel of the UN military, is... well, he's planning something, something big" Australia continued, "She knows he's got something going on... but she doesn't know what, and... well... like, it's not going to be good if he gets to do it, so... be prepared, also watch over my oldest brother, he's... never mind." Australia finished, then she snapped her fingers, Russia knew he could talk now, he just knew he could.

     "What do you mean? Why would Poland do something... uh, bad?" Russia asked, Australia shrugged, she doesn't know the answer either. But she'll probably find out sooner or later.

     "How would I know? Even my mother doesn't tell me anything," Australia answered, which confused Russia even more.

     Why would Australia call someone her 'mother'? And, who's this 'big brother' she mentioned? Well... Every country has said that she's a little... weird. Some have said that she's got loose screws in her head, or that all the time with animals has messed up her head. But no one tells her, the first and last time someone did, they had nightmares for a month straight. Not something you would like to have, especially when they're your worst memories or best memories altered in a twisted way.

     Ever since Armenia made fun of Australia's quirky personality and behavior, no one's ever brought up her strangeness. Not after Armenia developed an unshakable fear or dreams. No one knows what Armenia dreamed about, but if it was enough to make her develop a fear of dreams, then it was bad.

     "Well, if that's all, I'm gonna go, besides it's almost breakfast time for you." Australia said cheerfully, checking her wristwatch. Russia nodded, then UK's 'office' faded away, and Russia felt something tug his right arm, like a rope being pulled away from him.

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